接Part 1:......以下是可供大家参考的职业素质(建议各位准备4-5左右个就可以了,因为很多素质都是通用的:
• Honesty: Means a person has morals, values, and integrity. The foundation of any relationship, both personal and professional. Because everyone want to deal with a person they can trust. • Passion: Whatever it is, an outstanding employee must have passion for what he/she is doing. • Excellent persuasion abilities: Let people believe in the person and his/her credibility. The ability to persuade people trust in his/her products, company, and mission. • Self-Confidence: Belief that he/she can accomplish a variety of tasks or goals throughout life. A person with self-confidence generally likes himself/herself, is willing to take risks to achieve his/her personal and professional goals, and thinks positively about the future. • Detail oriented: Attention to detail is crucial. A detail oriented person has patience and determination to explore the problem and all of its elements until the reasoning has been found so that it can be resolved accurately. • Hard working: Nothing great is accomplished easily. • Interpersonal abilities:Interpersonal skills are the life skills we use every day to communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups. A person with good interpersonal ability will work well in a team and be able to communicate effectively with colleagues, customers and clients. • Creativity: Some decisions have to be made quickly, and catch others by surprise. In times like these, it’s very important to think outside the box to find a solution. • Cooperation skills: Cooperation shows that a person can work well as part of a team. It shows he/she possess other traits too, such as tact and the ability to listen, teach and take action. • Leadership:Effective leadership is providing the vision and motivation to a team so they work together toward the same goal, and then understanding the talents and temperaments of each individual and effectively motivating each person to contribute individually their best toward achieving the group goal. • Self awareness: Clear on what your strengths are and what complementary strengths he/she need from others. This includes understanding others and learning how best to utilize their strengths.
因为没有办法事先确定自己是几号发言,所以请务必提前整理并背好属于自己的三个发言角色的阐述模版,并且自己对着镜子进行演示。答案没有正确与错的概念,考官不会把面试者具体说到的素质内容而进行筛选评判的依据,因此只要简单明了的阐述出因果逻辑关系就可以了,所以关键在于阐述过程中大家体现出来的小组配合程度、性格特点、肢体语言、英语表达、面部表情和公众演讲时给大家的整体印象。最后啰嗦两点:第一、言多必失。希望大家懂得 Less is More 和适可而止的道理,我在面试的时候遇到过几个应聘者,认为自己英语口语不错,小组阐述的时候劈劈啪啪长篇大论,考官脸都黑了都没有注意到,口语发音是你的优势要善于利用,说到让人意犹未尽才是最好,否则物极必反。第二、全身投入。小组自由讨论的时候,切忌看或者偷瞄考官,有些人喜欢在讨论过程中寻找全场游走的考官,如果被考官发现,会认为你在工作的时候不够专注和尊重他人,大大增加被刷的机率。若讨论提前结束,请在小组内进行模拟发言练习。
题型二:Creative Uses 物品创意用法
该题型是阿联酋航空最经典的考题,2015年3月以来的近两场面试虽然做了微小的调整,但是大致考察的内容和模式类似。同样分成3人一组(剩下不够分配的也有可能是2人或者4人一组),每个小组会分配到一张带有图片的物品卡片,例如:cup/coffee beans/alarm clock/shell/chocolate/apple/rose/balloon/umbrella/toothbrush/pillow…给大家5-10分钟左右讨论,然后随机确定小组一个人(最新)或者小组三人分别就该物品罗列出(对应小组人数)的几个物品的非常规用法。
Sample Answer:
Hello, everybody! My name is +自己的名字 and I am glad to share our opinions with you(停顿2-3秒,再加上一个自信的微笑). The item/product/object we discussed about is a/an +卡片物品(把卡片拿起,给全场展示一下).
After our discussion, the first creative/innovative idea comes to our mind is we can use it when/as/at ______. Because ______. The second plan/proposal we get is (that) it can be used as/to ___________. Especially when _____. That’s pretty cool,don’t you think?(此处设计的是一个同观众的互动,会让阐述过程显得更加灵活自然,因此建议搭配一个比较有意思或者新奇的点子). What’s more, it also can be used in a/an ______ environment/situation. For example, ______.
That’s all for our group’s discussion, the +卡片物品名称 can be used as ___,___, and ____.Thank you.
题型三:Role-Play Scenarios 场景模拟
场景模拟的题型用于第二轮的小组讨论,相比第一轮小组讨论,人数会减少到10-12人一组,考官会设计一个模拟场景,并配以需要解决的问题,给大家15分钟的时间进行讨论。按照流程,小组讨论开始前,大家将会分配出以下角色:A Gourp Leader, A Time Keeper and Group Members. 接下来,我就不同角色分别进行以下分析。
Group Leader 组长: 该角色是一个挑战性比较大的角色,“成也在此,败也在此”。适合英语口语基础较好,能够自然流利、轻重有度地进行观点表达、全局把控,且情商和统筹规划能力较好的人。不存在说当了组长就能够保证不被刷,只有说适合与否,总之,每个小组总会有那么几个人愿意“出头”。首先,自己有信心能够做好Leader,请争取到最先发言,把小组接下来讨论的安排尽快简明扼要的阐述清楚。对于这个角色,淳爷的建议如下:
请一定用询问的语气,尽快向大家表明自己想当组长的想法。例如:“Well, ladies (and gentleman)! Since we have a very interesting topic/subject to discuss, I come up with a discussion plan, would you mind I share first? (说到这请停顿片刻,微笑环顾四周,等到大家做出认可的反应后再继续…) Firstly, we need to pick up a time keeper; Secondly, according to requirements, let’s spent about 10-12 minutes to discuss each situation and 5 minutes to summarize our ideas. So, any volunteers wanna be our time keeper? ”这里的模版仅仅只是给大家的一个参考,抛砖引玉,一般能有底气做Leader的人必须具备可以根据现场情况调整计划的能力。另外,基本上谁先说话,大家都会不约而同的默认谁为Leader了;
Leader主要在讨论中负责穿针引线、控制全场、及时总结归纳大家的想法,所以在具体问题的个人观点表达上建议控制一下自己的说话量,建议控制在1-2个解决方案左右。一句话概括就是:Get involved but dont try to take over, 避免成为“话痨”,这是考官和其他成员非常反感的;
Time Keeper 计时员: 该角色是一个比较讨巧的角色,即能够非常好的体现选手的时间观念、团队协作能力,又能够适当发言,而且心理压力和对语言的要求相对Group Leader会小很多,如果你带了手表,且又愿意适当的展示自己的语言和综合素质的话,这是一个不错选择。对于这个角色,淳爷的建议如下:
可以第一个发言,用征询的语气表明自己希望帮助大家记录时间,也可以选择在组长确定后,表达自己的想法。例如:“Hello, everyone! If you don’t mind, I would like to be the time keeper/tracker for us. Since I wear a watch today, and we only have +小组讨论时间 minutes to discuss.(稍作停顿,等待大家认可后再继续) All right, I will let you know when we only have 5/10 minutes left. And then I will remind you guys the last 2/3 minutes, so that we can make a short conclusion, is that ok?”。因此,time keeper不仅仅需要表达自己的愿望,还需要简单介绍自己的报时计划;
跟Leader这个角色一样,time keeper同样在讨论中需要适当控制自己说话的内容,把更多的表现机会留给其他组员;
在报时的过程中,打断大家的讨论一定注意礼貌用语,例如:“I am really sorry to have to interrupt you guys, but we only have ____ minutes left. / Well, excuse me…Uh…I hate to interrupt, but the watch says we have to make a short conclusion now.”
Group Members 小组成员:
小组成员中同样可以藏龙卧虎,面试的时候因为担心自己对小组讨论的具体状况的不太熟悉,同样也是选择了比较稳妥的小组成员角色。同样,想做Leader或者Time Keeper却没有得到机会的,大可不必觉得失落,而担心自己英语表达能力的,这绝对是你的不二选择,我们只要把握好说话时机和技巧,小组成员同样通过率棒棒的!对于这个角色,秘诀分享如下: Make Suggestions! 请至少在讨论过程中,针对不同问题提出两次建议,例如:“Yeah, you are right. But from my point of view…/ That is a interesting point. In my opinion...”也有一些情况是找不到机会插话,除了采取上面的表达之外,大家可以通过举手的方式,吸引其他人注意,具体建议内容和解决问题方式详见下文;
Show Interest! 请至少在讨论过程中有两次赞同和认可他人建议,使用此招的时候,务必注意肢体语言和面部表情的真诚!例如:“What a brilliant idea!/I agree with you!/ That’s cool!/Yeah, I love how you say it.”;
Speak Loud and Clear! 很多小组成员对自己的英语表达不自信,发言的时候说话声音非常小,如果实在担心,建议大家背记一些套话,采取“复述他人观点+一句自己观点”的模式,例如:“Yeah, great idea!! A +重复对方的关键词 is essential/important! How about we +加入自己的观点,such as +一个例子”。如果不积极参与讨论,很有可能在小组讨论结束后,面临考官“1对1”的压力挑战,与其如此,不如硬着头皮在前面讨论中表现得积极投入一点!
Use Names! 绝对的加分窍门哟!分好组后,大家可以利用面试的前期沟通,努力记住2-3位小组成员的名字,在讨论的过程中通过称呼他人名字来询问对方意见,例如:“xxx,What’s your opinion/idea/suggestion?/What do you think?”这能够非常好的体现你的empathy, consideration and team spirit;
Remember to Summarize! 即使不是Leader也可以展现我们的communication and leadership ability, 因为是金子在哪里都会发光!特别是在小组讨论过程中出现尴尬的冷场,且leader也没有及时给出信号的时候,作为小组成员的你可以呼吁大家一同总结之前讨论的观点来帮助大家一起度过这个awkward moments。例如:“All right, so where have we got so far? / Ok, let’s summarize what we have got according to this specific situation. Firstly…; Secondly…”.
Keep Track of Time! 同样,并不是只有Time Keeper才可以看手表,在适当的时候(特别是讨论的中期),作为小组成员的你,适当的看一下手表会给考官留下你有时间观念的好印象 (心机真的很重…要)。
PART 1 -->面经分享和最新小组讨论的全方位解析!(第一季)