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Another Sunset...

热度 2已有 1136 次阅读2008-12-30 17:14 |个人分类:个人日记|

It is now at a cold winter day in whole of China, when is approaching to the traditional festival.
I am now...still struggling with my problem. Staying the States or Japan for master education. There will have many things wait for me in next 3 years. It semms I've enough time to make a decision for that. However...it's not. New semaster will begin very soon. What was wrose. Some practise, which from my course is coming in next June and July. Yes, they are really in my schedule.







发表评论 评论 (2 个评论)

回复 Boulevard.Song 2010-1-24 15:54
I completely lost my focus and my confidence, my dear.
回复 wilson_zgh 2011-11-12 14:14
Hi! No one can make any decision for another one, we can hear their advice,
but we should know that any decision being made by ourself, the result should only be accepted by ourself, not to blame any another one even failed.  
All the best to you!  Wish you be happy as you choosed the right way!


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