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my mother

已有 774 次阅读2009-7-18 11:56 |

My mother is a very special person, no, really do not think that it should be used especially to describe her! She is a great person too! She experienced so many ups and downs, but never yield! She failed to cover up the appearance of a strong sense of goodness. Mother is a very strong person, when  father left us, unfortunately, the mother have taken up the burden of life, do you believe it? I can not see the despair in her eyes! She lets me know how strong to face  setbacks in life! Mother care for the grandparents and take care of, let me understand what is meant by the righteous cause. In the mother, I can foresee the future of my own to be what kind of people! Perhaps I can not go beyond the mother, but I will be moving in that direction!






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