Laws were created by human being when the strenth of moral was unable to control the behavior of members in a group. Since they are artificial work, the rulers and public always apt to evaluate whether a law caters most people's need and protect them from being hurted. Generally speaking there are two types of laws in a certain circumstance: just and unjust. In my point of view, it is a primary responsibility to obey just laws, but disobeying and resisting laws one considered to be an unjust are not advisable in most times.
Being a formal serious of rules that are used to confine citizen's behavior in case some of them jeopardize others for certain purpose, laws, should be given a supreme authority which need to be respect on any condition. Otherwise, laws would no longer be sacret and the effect of them would hence fade to a lower degree. To guarantee the effect of laws, no matter the general individuals or rulers, each and everyone in a society or an organization should do their best to maintain the laws not being disobeyed. Without exception, the laws would keep its purity and still be justice to each general person. Thus, when people meeting cases, laws can be cited immediately for the purpose of judge, serving to protect the righteous side and punish the opposite.
In whole process in which laws play their role being a judge, the credit and authority are the core spirits. Sometimes those whose benefit injured by laws may consider that laws are unfair and fundamentally unjustice that need to be revised. If these individuals or even groups of people can disobey laws for their own right or benefit, likewise, others can do the same thing in a same way, what they need is just to find the contradiction between laws and their own happiness. Imagine that in case these activities were encouraged, then the sacrecy of law would definitely disappear, along with their effect. As a consequence, no matter a law in just or unjust actually, it would be invalid at all and the whole society would therefore lose its orders once for all. It is significant for all civilians to understand that the process of establishing a series of laws can cost millions of eminent individual's endevour. The least thing a person should turn to is to disobey a law that he/she considered to be unjust. After all, individual's own perspective can largely be biased, which is radically untrustworthy in judging the justification of a law.
On the other hand, there do exist some extreme conditions, on which laws contradict to most general people's bliss even do harm to a society. In Sadam's time, Iraq, used to be a wealthy country, gradually became weak and many civilians were dragged to be sodier. Sadam's tiranny created a bunch of laws that were merely out of himself and his few companies at that time and were not proved by general public at all. Those laws or rules impaired the whole nation, which afterwards was pulled into war and eventually in destitude and panic. When the situation became so serious, if not worse, the whole society need to resist the unjust laws and enact just ones for instead. And the saying that individual has a responsibility to disobey that laws in reasonable and deserve support.
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