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The arts reveal the otherwise hidden ideas

已有 1182 次阅读2010-3-8 18:35 |

According to this statement, hidden ideas and impulses commonly exist in a society, and arts such as painting, music and literature serve to reveal them from being concealed. Fundamentally, I agree with the statement above, which is somewhat vague and abstract in understanding. The art do is a unique way through which ideas and impulses that are far away from mainstream can be expressed to public, though this is not the only function of arts.

As matter of fact, there exists a relatively uniform spirit in the society. Those ideas which seem extreme or unusual to most people can be regarded as worthless or even heretic in certain circumstances. No matter in the past or in the contemporary life, a stable society needs an orthodox value or common thought such as loyalty or patriotism to keep the order of it. Otherwise, the members of that society would lose their direction and eventually induce instability, which may subsequently lead to chaos and threaten the existence of the regime. However, too much stability makes a thing stale, and those impulses hidden behind normal order would ultimately explode in certain forms- art is as one of the forms. In the Renaissance of Europe centuries ago, numerous eminent artists, be it painters, musicians or authors, emerged and brought a huge blast of explosiveness, in which myriad of artworks were produced in different nations at a same period of time. The linear perspective enhanced the expression of painting, and those artworks at that time were no longer confined themselves in the single theme of religion, but expanded to humanity and nature. Similarly, music serves not only to eulogize the god anymore, keyboards and violins were used to play sonatas, and new-style orchestras were established to play symphonies, all of which were merely the emotional manifestations of composers. The same thing happened in the realm of literature, where the deities were no longer the eternal objects in poems and dramas. It can be stated as those reforms were essentially revealing the spirits of certain crowds of people, who later were credited as the pioneer of a new era of art.

Other than arts, impulses hidden in majorities' mind would choose to resort to revolution, like the industrial revolution, in which the capitalists took over monarchs and established a new style of sovereign. However, even in that process, a mass of artworks were created for the purpose of expressing the modern thought of the emphasis on individual ego, in other words., democracy. It is another open ceremony for artists to illustrate their ideas in an unprecedented epoch. In this time, though the corresponding ideas and passions were not totally concealed in the first place- they were showed by political and scientific reformers- it was undoubted that those works are the direct expression of individual artists.

Of course, it is not the only worth of arts to reveal the unprevailing spirits. In any event, arts are the best ways to show the aesthetic impulse for artists or even general, unprofessional persons. Pure pursuit towards the beauty deserves to be encouraged and respected, thus, this kind of value of arts should never be underestimated.

Finally, I basically agree with the speaker that revealing the hidden ideas and impulses of a society is always a job for artists. It is primarily because of the private and free environment in the process of creating, and what the artists only have to deal with are the objects in front of their eyes or the notions inside their minds. Those artworks, be it abstract or straightforward, convey the wills on which a wide attention just could not be acquired by other methods. Even were these works temporarily not accepted by public, at least, the goal expression has already been accomplished.

All in all, together with the function of conveying the pursuit of aesthetic value, arts do serve to reveal the ideas and impulses hidden behind the normal orders and rules.






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