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Homework 1

已有 843 次阅读2010-10-14 18:25 |

Hi Brooke,


As a follow up to our conversation on 12/23/09, I want to check in with you on the T-11 policies,. It appears there is still a backlog of 19 policies, even though we agreed they would be cleared up by yesterday. Could you please confirm the number of policiese currently outstanding, what their status is, and when you expect to have them completed?


In the interest of avoiding this kind of backlog situation in the future, I would like us to reexamine our processes and pinpoint the possible causes of the backlog. Please refer to the list of potential problem arears below, and give me your feedback for each .


  • expected turnaround time for regular tasks and urgent tasks - Are they reasonable?
  • inefficiencies in our workflow or procedures - What are they? How can we address them?
  • issues with our system, server, etc. - What are they? How do they affect productivity?
  • other problems or issues you feel need to be looked at - What are they? What is their effect?


Thank you for your time on this. Please let me know if you have any questions.







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