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已有 814 次阅读2010-12-25 15:25 |

1.Good morning,welcome aboard Air China.a member of star alliance.

2.may i have a look at your boarding pass?

3.MR.xx,here s the towel for you ,please

4.MR.XX,we have prepared ......for you,Which would you prefer?

5.Would you like to put on your slippers? You will be more comfortable with them.

6.would you like to try the champagne?we have got Cartier.

7.its quite cold.Would you like a cup of hot tea?

8.Good morning,please go this way to the upstairs.Business class is in upstairs.

9.seat NO. are indicated on the overhead compartments.

10.Excuse me. please give way to the passengers behind

11.sure,after the boarding finishes,i will see if theres any vacant seat for you in the 1st row.

12.Excuse me.the lady next to you wants to sit with her kid. would you mind changing seats with her?

13. i have talked with that pax.but he would more like the window seat

14.i am afraid we can not upgrade you on board. may i suggest you arrange that procedure in advance at check-in counter next time?

15.Excuse me,this is the crew seat. may i ask you kindly to return to your original seat?

16.in order to keep the aircraft in balance,please return to your original seats.

17.sir,the seat you are taking is in emergency exit area.please do not touch the red handle. please read this instruction,for we might need your help in case of emergency.

18.i am afraid your baggage is too big to go into the overhead compartment.May i help you check it up?

19.may i suggest you to take your passport,the valuables,or the fragile out of your luggage?

20.i do apologize sir that there is no space in the overhead locker above your seat. i understand you would like to keep your bag close to you. may i suggest you stow it under the seat in front of you?

21.may i help you to hang up your coat in the closet?

22.please could you remove all valuable items and important documents from your pockets? may i also have your boarding pass,sir,so that we can identify and return your jacket to you just before we land?

23.please fasten your seatbelt and adjust your seatback to the upringht position.

24.the plane is taking off. its dangerous to leave your seat. could you please remain in your seat until we get to cruising level?

25.i know your mobile phone has flight mode,but it is also prohibited by CAAC.may i ask you to switch it off now?


26.our plane iis taxiing,i understand that this call may very important,but for safety reason,please switch your mobile phone

27.we are taking off soon.For your safety,please open the sun-shade board,so that we can see what is happening in case of emergency

28.the aircraft is taking off immediately,may i help you to store your personal video.

29.cabin attendants,please return to your seats for landing

30.MR..today you are taking our luxurious First Class named Forbidden Pavilion(Business class named Capital Pavilion)i am XX,im glad to be at your service. if you need any help,please do not hesitate to call me

31.E-ticket will be put into use from June 1st in AIR CHINA.you can easily book tickets and print boarding pass on line.

32.the different color uniforms represent different ranks of cabinattendants.

33.i am sorry,i will tell you after i confirm our exact location.you may also check it from air shou on the PTV.

34.this is the call button,and we will come here if you press it.

35.the aircraft you are taking is a Boeing 747/Airbus 340

36.i hope this trip to BEIJING will leave you happy memories.

37.what city impressed you most?

38.with this climate of the season,its very suitable to tour around beijing.

39.how long are you going to stay in beijing

40.how long have you been in china?

41.i understand its tiring for such a long flight. you can move about in the cabin if you like.But for your safety,may i suggest you not to stay long at the emergency exit?

42.it is not safe lying on the floor. it might bruise you in case of turbulence and threaten others.Please be seated and fasten your seatbelts.

43.The aircraft has met with turbulence. please return to your seat and fasten the seatbelts.Rrfrain from using the lavatory
for this moment.

44.the fasten seatbelt sign is off now. you may use the lavatories at the center or rear of the cabin.

45.please close your table as soon as you finish filling in the form.

46.for the safety
,the lavatories have to be closed prior to landing.Please refrain from using it until the plane lands and comes to a complete stop.

47.it is time for afternoon tea. we have prepared various tea and refreshments for you to enjoy the leisure onboard.

48.we have wulong tea,longjing tea,black tea,chrysanthemum tea,steamed tea,jasmine tea and green tea. which would you like?

49.how would you like your tea, weak or strong?

50.it is spring,we suggest you to drink jasmine tea which is rich in various vitamins and(hence)proved to be a sobering pick-me-up.






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