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面试汉莎LH从初试到Final,every single detail~~~~~~~~

热度 4已有 1296 次阅读2011-2-19 18:14 |

没时间再去写中文的LH面试经历了,这个是final回来后给我一德国朋友发去的e-mail的一部分,大家凑活看吧,有语法不对的地方请谅解了...............................................................i just came back from Beijing with Daniel.For my interview,i passed the first two rounds and went to the final interview,but unfortunately,i didnt pass the final...i really didnt do a good job in the final,and when i came outside the room,i knew i couldnt pass it,i dont know why i was so nervous at that time,i told myself "dont be nervous,dont be nervous",but the more i told myself,the more nervous i was,and i even became stutter when i was talking with the interviewers...i dont know if this is a kind of psychological problem,i was so angry at myself,i could do a very good job,i could answer very well,and i could give a perfect role play...now i tell you the details of my Lufthansa's interview,hope you can give me some suggestions and make me get improvements~
the first day we had two rounds interviews,1st round was in the morning,there were 3 rooms,each room had 3 interviewers,a German cc,a Chinese cc,and a Chinese from fasco(Foreign Airlines Service Corporation),all the interviewees went into the room seperately,i had a very short talk with the interviewers about 8 munites,they asked me some questions about my present work,what i know about Germany and Lufthansa,why i wanna choose to be a cc,why they need Chinese cc...and so on...only questions and answers...i passed the 1st round. Then in the afternoon we had a paper test,only with 30 multiple-choice questions on it,almost all about grammar,and i passed it ,too.My finnal interview was arranged in the afternoon on 16th,still the same as the 1st round,but this time i went to another room,with another 3 interviewees,but this time,they were 1 German cc,1 Chinese cc,and 1 German psychologist,they asked me some questions just as same as the first round,but some different ones,i cant remember clearly,and at last a role play,my role play was that there r 2 people wanting vegetarian meals,but we only have one left,what i could do?so i solved it in this way,i gave the meal to the 1st person,then when the 2nd person asked me for the meal,i said sorry to her,and told her that we didnt have the meal she wants,but i suggested her to choose bread,milk,and eggs,i told her these are also very nutritious,i know she may not agree,but at that time,this is all i could think and do...i didnt solve the problem well...through all the talking,i was so so so nervous,i dont know if it's bcoz i know there was a psychologist so i got so nervous,but i really didnt do well,i even didnt know what to say...to be honest,i really did many practise before i went to the interview,i thought about the questions they might ask me,and i also answered them by myself,but i forgot all these when i was there,what's more,started from the 1st round interview,i had a very strong cold,and on the final interview day,i even got a fever and felt dizzy,i think maybe this also disturbed me thinking about answers...but anyway,toooooooooo nervous is the main reason,i need to be more confident about myself!
I know it's too late to say these,but anyway i really learnt many new things and get lessons from this time's interview,this is my first interview which i went to the final,at least im still happy about this,and i need to study more...Thanks a lot for the suggestions you gave to me before i join it,they are really useful and i did use some of them.Vielen dank!!^^......................................................................................所以嘛以后不能再紧张了,都是紧张惹的祸...Anyway try again next time,good luck to everyone!






刚表态过的朋友 (2 人)

发表评论 评论 (6 个评论)

回复 wodeweiyi06 2011-2-19 19:53
回复 南宫雨绮 2011-2-19 19:59
wodeweiyi06: 支持...希望很快就能听到你的好消息..
回复 wodeweiyi06 2011-2-19 20:01
南宫雨绮: Final没有过...哎...这次算是输得心服口服,都是紧张惹的祸,说话都结巴的不行了...这么好的机会硬是给溜走了,下次还会去的,汉莎真的不错~~~
回复 南宫雨绮 2011-2-19 20:06
wodeweiyi06: 真的估计你也就是紧张..我朋友有个同学也在那儿工作了..看了些她的照片,是不错..而且以前有些德国的同事也说那儿真不错..加油
回复 cathey511 2011-3-3 19:13
看过了 下次要和你一起去!!!一起加油~
回复 wx_K7W7Omy6 2014-12-9 22:37


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