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Anne Hathway is princess forever

已有 990 次阅读2011-4-20 17:35 |个人分类:服饰。|

Miss princess is coming! Anne Hathway is still so pretty! This red Herve Leger Bandage Dress perfectly sets off the white and smooth skin of Anne. In entertainment circle,herve leger, some stars are easy to be fat. It seems that our princess keeps her weight quite well. Her appearance in many important occasions never makes us disappointed. Support Anne!

Well, after looking these five stars,herve leger dresses, do you have any selected person? In my heart, I think Anne Hathway should be the first. She looks so elegant and pretty with this red Herve Leger bandage dress. Katy Perry is the second. Paris Hilton shows too exaggerated,herve leger fall, so I do not think she could win any of others. What do you think about it?






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