Accepts you as who you are 接受那个真实的你
Believes in 'you' 相信你
Calls you just to say 'Hi' 只是为了打个招呼,就会打电话给你
Doesn`t give up on you 对你不离不弃
Envisions (v.想象) the whole of you 从全面的角度来看待你
Forgives your mistakes 原谅你犯的错
Gives unconditionally 无条件地向你付出
Helps you帮助你
Invites you over 邀請你
Just 'be' with you 就在你身边
Keeps you close at heart 与你心心相映
Loves you for who you are 因为你本来的样子而爱你
Makes a difference (创造不同) in your life 给你的生活带来不同
Never judges 从不批评你
Offers support 支持你,扶持你
Picks you up 为你打气
Quiets your fears 平息你的恐惧
Raises your spirits 鼓舞你的斗志
Says nice things about you 向别人说你好的一面
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it 当你需要听实话时,他会告诉你
Values you 重视你
Walks beside you 走路时,陪在你身边
Xplain(指explain) things you don't understand 为你解惑
Yells when you won't listen 在你不理会时,对你大吼
Zaps you back to reality把你拉回现实