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猫咪_不哭的个人空间 https://kongjie.com/?57145 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



已有 2216 次阅读2008-3-1 22:32

Good morning judges, my name is XX(CH), and you can call me XX(EN). I'm 21 years old, and I'm from Guilin.

I grew up in a sweet family composed of my mom, dad and myself. My father works as a military pilot and my mother is a doctor. I love them very much and we live happily every day.

I have some hobbies such as playing piano, singing and swimming, which taught me a lot of things.

Soaring in the sky has been my dream since childhood. This is why I'm longing for a job on a plane, and this is why I'm standing here for this interview. I hope my application will be granted so that I will deliver my best services throughout the world as an outstanding cabin crew member of China Easter Airlines. Nice talking to you, thanks!






发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

回复 squirrel-chen 2008-3-2 01:53
呵呵,很中国式的英语呢~ 个人觉得有点假了,试想评委一天听(看)几百份这样给自己脸上帖金的自我介绍怎么会不厌倦呢?
回复 猫咪_不哭 2008-3-2 10:34
原帖由squirrel-chen于2008-03-02 01:53:17发表 呵呵,很中国式的英语呢~ 个人觉得有点假了,试想评委一天听(看)几百份这样给自己脸上帖金的自我介绍怎.
我英语不太好 这是论坛里另一个姐姐写的 希望有一天自己可以写出像样的东西
回复 squirrel-chen 2008-3-2 11:06


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