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Lost Heart

热度 1已有 1473 次阅读2009-6-15 18:53 |个人分类:Miss Princess|

When you are lost in those places, it sometimes takes you a while to realize that you are lost. For the longest time, you can convince yourself that you've just wandered a few feet off the path, that you'll find your way back to the trailhead any moment now. The night falls again and again, and you still have no idea where you are, and it's time to admit that you have bewildered yourself so far off the path that you don't even know from which direction the sun rises anymore.

I took on my depression like it was the fight of my life, which, of course, it was. I became a student of my own depressed experience, trying to unthread its causes. What was the root of all this despair? Was it psychological?( Mom and Dad's fault?) Was it just temporal, a "bad time" in my life? Was it genetic?Was it cultural?( Is this just the fallout of a postfeminist career girl trying to find balance in an increasingly stressful and alienating urban world?) Was it astrological?( Am I so sad because I'm a thin-skinned Cancer whose major signs are ruled by Libra?) Was it artistic?(Don't creative people always suffer from depression because we're so supersensitive and special?)Was it evolutionary?(Do I carry in me the residual panic that comes after millennia of my species' attempting to survive a brutal world?) Was it karmic?Was it hormonal?Dietary?Philosophical?Seasonal?Environmental?Was I tapping into a universal yearning for GOD? Did i have a chemical imbalance? Or did I just need to get laid?






发表评论 评论 (9 个评论)

回复 Coloo 2009-6-15 19:37
Really sorry about heard ur story...an regretful story...All what I can say is take care. bless u...beautiful lady.
回复 nightsun 2009-6-15 20:12
too much sentence !I can not understand!
回复 MissTequila 2009-6-30 12:38
Coloo: Really sorry about heard ur story...an regretful story...All what I can say is take care. bless u...beautiful lady.
haven't told ya the story yet kakaaka
回复 Coloo 2009-6-30 13:57
MissTequila: haven't told ya the story yet kakaaka
I thought that were Ur story.... I was totally hit on a wrong spot.
回复 Coloo 2009-6-30 13:59
MissTequila: haven't told ya the story yet kakaaka
Couldn't figure out what does that story yet KAKAAKA means???
回复 MissTequila 2009-7-2 21:19
Coloo: I thought that were Ur story....I was totally hit on a wrong spot.
oh im sure it was but i didnt describe anything specific
回复 MissTequila 2009-7-2 21:21
Coloo: Couldn't figure out what does that story yet KAKAAKA means???
the story is fascinating but the kakaka part is my fascinating style muwahaha
回复 touareg 2009-7-16 10:48
,too many questions,and too many strange words.I thinks those are not English,maybe some language in South American.
回复 MissTequila 2009-7-17 08:53
touareg: ,too many questions,and too many strange words.I thinks those are not English,maybe some language in South American.
most of them speak spanish in south america and some speak portuguese or maybe some other languages maybe u could possibly understand u great linguist
those questions r not for u btw


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