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白米粥的个人空间 https://kongjie.com/?82735 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



已有 1884 次阅读2008-7-29 09:56

Perhaps we never thought about whether the passive voice is thinking,  or the vicissitudes of aging voice our daily running of the time inside,  I do not know what to shoulder.  Perhaps we have had that we are desperate to move toward the front, but why, in some cases,  an almost forgotten voices sounded again,  or an unfamiliar voice on the feeling that it will give people into leaving no return, it also can not get out of a total of memories going. Ring ring clockwise rotation of years have nowhere to hide, we have the story of the carving knife ring ... addressed to my friends,  Thank you once I traveled together to accompany so many years.  Perhaps we never thought about whether the passive voice is thinking, Ring ring clockwise rotation of years have nowhere to hide,Thank you once I traveled together to accompany so many years.  






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