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已有 642 次阅读2015-12-29 21:48 |个人分类:空姐工作甘苦談| 空姐


有兩個乘客在為同一個座位爭執,然後有一群小孩再走道奔跑,有一個乘客向妳抱怨廁所很髒,還有一個乘客向你說胃有一點不舒服,  你會如何處理?
A:  I will approach the quarreling passengers first. I will try to know what exactly they are quarreling for and calm them at the same time. I understand that air rage  is a huge threat to the safety onboard. If the fight gets uncontrollable , other passengers may be affected and the aircraft might have to divert . I remember there was a news about air rage and the flight ended up having an unscheduled  landing with several crew and passengers badly injured.
B:  I don’t actually agree with A. Quarreling passengers usually do not pose  immediate threat to the safety. Instead, I will approach the sick passenger first. I have a medical background. I know that a simple sign of upset stomach can lead to internal bleeding, which can be vital. My friend Lucy was hospitalized  for a week because she ignored that she’s been having stomach pain for 3 days. Dirty toilets can always be cleaned any time later. Running kids will stop after they are tired. But any signs and symptoms  on health can never be neglected.
C: B made her point. However, if the passenger is having minor discomfort, I will ask one of my colleagues to attend the passenger, another to clean the toilets and yet another to control the running kids. I will personally go to the quarreling passengers and tell them, “Sir, please don’t fight. You may not aware that you are disturbing  other passengers.” If it seems getting into  physical , I will say, “If we see any sign of threat to the safety onboard, we will immediately land and let you meet the security on ground.”
D: I totally agree with C. Air rage should always be handled first. If I am the one who is asked to take care of the toilets. I will first apologize to the complaining passengers as having untidy  toilets is deteriorating  the image of the airline. I will say to the passengers, “Ma’am, we are sorry about the inconvenience we’ve caused to you. Please kindly give us a moment. We will make them serviceable  again.”


A: 我會先處理爭執的乘客,試著了解他們在爭執什麼,並同時緩和他們的情緒。我了解空中憤怒衝突情緒是航機安全的一大威脅,如果衝突一發不可收拾,其他乘客會被影響到,航班也許必須改航。我記得之前有一篇關於空中憤怒衝突的報導,結果該航班改降機場,機上有些許的組員及乘客受傷。
B: 我不完全同意 A 所說的,發生爭執的乘客通常不見得會成為對飛安的直接威脅,反倒是我會先處理那個身體不舒服的乘客。我有醫學背景,我知道單單胃痛徵兆,可能是內出血的警訊,而且可能攸關性命。我的朋友露西就是因為她忽視了長達三天的胃痛,結果住院整診療了一個星期。廁所髒總是可以等等再清理,到處亂跑的小孩子也是會跑累的,但任何健康上的徵兆及症狀是絕對不能忽略的。
C: B 說得有道理,但如果乘客只是一點點的不舒服,我會請一位同事照顧他,一位同事清廁所,另一位去控制亂跑的小孩,自己則會上前去爭執的乘客那並跟他們說:「先生們,請別爭執,你們也許沒注意到你們已經打擾到其他的乘客了。」如果看似快起肢體衝突,我會說:「如果有任何行為對於機上安全造成威脅,我們會馬上降落並起交給地面警方處理。」
D: 我完全同意 C 所說的,空中憤怒衝突必須優先處理。如果我被請去處理剛髒廁所這件事,我會先跟乘客道歉,因為廁所髒實在是有損公司形象,我會跟乘客說:「 這位女士,很抱歉造成您的不便,請等一下,馬上就可以使用了。」

身為一個乘務員, A 第一重視的會是飛航的安全(safety comes first),A 正點出航空公司的最高期許,並舉出新聞實例 ,傳達出他對航空業及時事的關心。A 並使用了 “understand(了解)” 這個字眼,更能傳達給聽眾,說者本身對於事件的深入程度, 而非只是 “know(知道)”
B 以逆勢操作(adverse)地表達對 A 的不認同,這不見得不妥,但強而有力的例子就顯得非常重要 ,才能支持他的反對意見。以我過去參與團討的經驗,小組中有人持相反意見時,會快速將焦點 集中在他身上,其他應徵者會好奇 想知道這個反對意見。B 置入他的醫學背景(置入性行銷),有效提供給考官他的直接有貢獻的個人背景印象,並提到人命關天(vital),飛安不僅是只有機械或人為問題,乘客的健康,也是空服員的一大顧慮。(註記:雖然空服員沒辦法對乘客進行醫療行為,但至少能掌握黃金時間,提供急救,迅速通知機長,安排就近機場降落。)

作者/前中華航空資深空服員 劉平

編輯/Yang Chiou

想知道C, D 在面談上面是利用哪種方法嗎?你心中最好的回應又是什麼呢?應試者回答的問題百百種,你曉得那些才是航空公司想要聽的嗎?







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