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已有 595 次阅读2016-4-26 20:24 |个人分类:航空面試問題集



Q : Please design brand-new uniforms for Emirates Airlines.

Cecilia: Airline uniforms all tend to look the same but Emirates Airlines, they are always the exception!. They brand themselves with their culture. I am crazy about their head scarf, so I would like to keep the head scarf which makes you look so exotic and elegant.
Sally: That’s absolutely true! They look so good in Khaki. But I would like to have a summer and winter version, differentiated by colors and fabrics. For example, light Khaki for summer and dark Khaki for winter, I will keep the beautiful red bonnet but change the white head scarf into a noble beige color since the white scarf is so easy to get dirt.
Cecilia: That’s exactly what I think. Khaki and beige go so well with the red bonnet.
Christina: Keeping the head scarf and their original colors is indeed more conservative and safer. If I were their uniforms designer, I will aim to make a uniform more stylish, office appropriate. Korean Air launched new outfits by Italian designer. Christian Lacroix designs uniforms for Air France. Now Fashion takes flight on many airlines. I believe that Emirates Airlines should also require some modifications such as a soft leather vest for example?
Tom: Wow…I like your approach to the design! It is so innovative but we should still always take into account issues such as culture, climate, and practicality. Will it be too hot to wear a leather vest during summer time? I like this idea! It is a fusion of traditional and contemporary design.

Cecilia: 航空公司的制服看起來都一樣,只有阿酋航空的制服例外耶!他們標榜他們自己的文化。我對他們的頭巾非常著迷,所以我希望他們能夠保留下來讓他們看起來極具異國風情又優雅的頭巾。

Sally: 一點也不錯!他們穿起卡其顏色看起來真好看。可是我比較想要有夏冬季不同的變化,可用顏色和布料來區別季節性。比如說,夏季採用淡卡其色系,冬季則用深卡其色系。我想保留住這頂漂亮的紅呢帽,把白色的頭巾改成米色,因為白色的頭巾實在太容易弄髒了!

Cecilia: 這正是我想的。卡其色和米色系列很配紅帽。

Christina: 保留他們原始的頭巾和色彩,的確是又穩當、又安全的做法。如果我是他們的制服設計師,我會做得比較時髦、更適合職場的樣式。韓航就採用義大利設計師的新式套裝;法航的設計師是時尚大師克麗絲汀、拉克魯瓦。流行時尚已引領航空界。我相信阿酋航空也需要一些改變,比如說加上一件軟皮背心?
Tom: 噢! 我喜歡你的設計!很創新,可是我們應該也把文化、天候及實際性考量進去。夏天穿皮背心會不會太熱?可是我喜歡這個構想!這正是傳統與現代的結合。
1. Cecilia一開始的發言很有力,先稱讚了一番阿酋航空的制服特色!可惜外強中乾,沒有針對『設計』做出討論,內容流於空洞。在Sally說完之後,又有搶話之嫌。不發言雖是禁忌,但搶話也不禮貌!其所說的話,也只是重複Sally的想法,毫無自己的見解,反而讓Sally的部份更加令人印象深刻,好像在戰場上幫敵人打仗,大忌!
2. Sally的態度溫婉,同意Cecilia的論調之後,隨即說出自己建設性的構思,表現出其溫婉又自主的個性,這正是航空公司所喜愛的人格特質。
3. Christina大膽、創新,但卻流於大放厥辭,忘了實際面。但是她的新主張,仍有賣點。
4. Tom的溫和像極了Sally,且在語調上,展現活潑、輕鬆自然的一面,這正是亞洲學生所缺乏的元素!亞洲學生太ㄍ一ㄣ,在面談外商公司上並不吃香。在語言上,適時地用上具有正面語氣的wow, ah..是表現驚訝,愉快的口氣。在團體討論中,就是要在有限的時間裏,顯現自己予人印象深刻又正確的見解。Tom具有溫和慧黠的特質,即使不同意Christina,他也不會直接反撲Christina的論點,他只是技巧性地用問句Will it be too hot to wear a leather vest..?而且大方的用I like your approach 及I like this idea! 讚賞了Christina兩次!是個殺人不見血的君子劍!






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