If you won NTD 920,000,000 lottery, whom would you like to share it with?
(如果你中了 9.2 億的頭彩,你會和誰一起分享?)
A: If I were that lucky to win such a huge sum of money, I would divide it into several parts and share them with several people. First, I would share one part with my parents to show my great appreciation for raising me up. Secondly, I would share it with my beloved one and some of my dear friends to enjoy a great time together with me. Thirdly, I would donate it to orphanages and to those who are in great hunger. I feel so much more fortunate than those people who don’t even hava a chance to join the recruitment like me. Well, I believe sharing is the only way to live my life to the fullest by passing on joy and happiness.
B: If I won the lottery, I wouldn’t share it with anyone immediately. I would put the money into investment on funds, stock market or properties to make more money out of it. I believe after couples of years, I would be able to share more with whomever I want to share it with.
C: That’s is a good idea, B! If I had the chance to possess so much money, I would first come to ask your advice on investment. Haha… Well, after acquiring the money, I would share it with my mom and dad. It’s my responsibility to make sure they are well taken care of after retirement.
C:B 你的主意不錯喔!如果我有機會獲得這麼多錢,第一會先去徵詢你在投資上的建議,哈哈。嗯,獲得這筆錢之後,我會與我爸媽分享,讓他們安享晚年,這可是我的責任呢。
A 的回答結構完整,有引導句、分述句,加上結尾總結,但似乎太制式,不夠有人情味或是趣味性,畢竟題目問得很異想天開,一般人想到大筆鈔票眼睛都亮了、嘴都笑開了,A 卻表現得有些嚴肅。
其實這問題回答的重點,不在與誰分享,而是要解釋為什麼想要與他們分享,只要言之有理,都算是完整的回答。但若要在團體討論中出類拔萃,引起主考官的注意,那就得多放點小技巧,C 應試者專心聽取其他應試者的發言,所以他給予 B 言語上的贊同,並且謙虛地拜師學習,這就是藉機於團體討論中,展現個人適職之處。B 卻沒有完全針對問題而回答,只說想與想分享的人分享。
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