The conference in Guangzhou was sorta suck. None told us that Capt.Li of CAAC will attend it, neither the telefax. I was so freaken pissed ... Since CAAC will absolutely punish us without hesitations. That is aint big deal, we shall appreciate the authority that they did not call back the AOC, neither cancle typrating nor flt routes. But, it was not the point. The fxxk'n confliction in our management system directly caused this incident, and it is going on and on - Someone just expected that a ppl who higher than director shall attend this conference to show some attitudes and try out for begging a oppertunity for skipping the punishment. I had so affored bunchs of yelling, blaming. Gentalmen, it will never make sense to annnoying a nobody just like me. I spent like two fxxk'n years to compose a huge mannual with out any supporting from others. I DO NOT DESERVE THIS!So just keep the holes close and do something other than seeking self reputation and benefit. moro...