2017年12月份我参加了新加坡航空空乘上海站的面试,之后通过了笔试。从面试通过到现在,回想起来,总觉得不可思议,像是做梦一样。但是,梦想就是这么一步步实现了。当我通过fianl,推开试装的大门时,我激动的对fasco的工作人员说:“真不敢相信我竟然通过了。”他回答道:“Everything is possible.”希望备考外航的你们有一天也能梦想成真。
我和小伙伴6点起,化妆准备吃饭,到达时已经8点了。拿到222号等到下午才去面了初试。当天有三四百人。OD十人一组,依次做自我介绍或者按照考官要求依次介绍自己的信息(such as pls tell us your name,age,nativeplace and work experience)。第二个问题是回答一些日常的生活问题。如,你喜欢什么颜色呀,喜欢喝什么水呀,喜欢吃的西餐等。我的回答很简洁,回答时要微笑并看着评委的眼睛,眼神不能飘忽。队友回答时要往他们的方向看去,并不时点头,显示出自己有在倾听他人。出来后我们小组通过了两人。
AD六人一组,小组分成两队,讨论一个话题,讨论两三分钟后再逐个发言。讨论过程很重要,如果你一开始没有思路,可以问问队友what about your idea?这一环节最好用英语交流,(如果队友用中文的话和你讨论的话)因为用英语过一遍你自己的思路后,对一会的正式发言有很大帮助。要保持微笑有礼貌,因为考官可能在盯着你哦。要在发言之前想好自己的答案,不能与他人重复。回答完后读相关的航空英语材料。这一轮也是两人通过。
1.What's your favorite book?
2.What's your favorite movie?
3.What's your favorite fruit?
4.What's your favorite color?
5.What's your favorite city/country?
6.What's your favorite transportation?
7.What's your favorite season? and why?
8.Who is your favorite family member ?
9.Do you like rainy day or sunny day?
10.Do you like your Mum or Dad?
11.Do you like dogs or cats?
12.Do you like coffee or tea?
13.What do you eat for today's breakfast?
14.If you have a superability, which kind of abilities do you want to have?And why?
15.What will you do after this interview?
16.How did you come here today?
17.Could you tell me a joke?
18.Could you tell me a piece of news?
19.Could you tell me a historical story?
20.What's your job now?
21.What do you plan to eat for dinner?
22.What do you think of Taobao?
23.If you want to do a plastic surgery, which part will you change?
24.Can you accept a freeplastic surgery?
25.Can you tell me your nick name?
26.What do you think who is the best emperor?
27.Please introduce one of your favorite shanghai food.
28.What's your hobby?
29.Please recommend dishes in your hometown.
30.Please introduce a mountain.
1.Do you think getting along with your boss is more important, or get on well with subordinates?
2.Do you think rich is good or bad?
3.Sending the old man to the nursing home is good or bad?
4.After getting married, do you prefer live with your parents or live yourselves?
5.Do you think plastic surgery is good or bad?
6.Do you think beautiful people will earn more money?
7.Do you think money can buy happiness?
8.Opportunity or struggle which do you think is more important?
9.Do you think organic vegetables is good or bad?
10.Do you think getting married so young is good or bad?
11.Do you think husband should be in charge of earning money to support the family or wife?
12.Which transportation do you prefer,taxi or bus?
13. What is advantage and disadvantage of WeChat?
14.What is advantage and disadvantage of nursing home?
15.What is advantage and disadvantage of social media?
16.If you get married would you prefer to live with yourparents or by yourself?
17. Do you think having minimum wage is good or not?
18. Which gender do you think is more complicated, female or male?
3.Do you have any work experience before? And what do you learn from these jobs?
4.Why do you want to be a member of cabin crew?
5.Why do you want to work for Singapore airlines?
6.What do you know about Singapore airlines?
7.Do you know the routes of Singapore airlines?
8.What do you like to do inyour free time?
9.Do your parents agree with you to do this job?
10.Do your boyfriend agree with you to do this job?
11.What's the reason do you think you failed last time?
12.Do you ask for sick leave in the past one year?
13.If you get five millions,how will you use it?
14.Could you tell something about your family?
15.How do you learn English?
16.Can you tell me about your biggest success?
17.How do you come here ,and how long it takes you here ?
18.Which impress you most inyour past work experience?
19.Did you meet any difficult foreign customers, and what was it about?
20.Have you ever worked with someone who talked too much? How did you handle it?
21.Do you ever freeze in social situations?
22.How would you handle an abrasive Captain or coworker?
例1:飞机上一排有A B C三个座位,A靠窗,C靠走道,这时你来发餐点,你从最里面的靠窗位置A开始发,结果坐在最外面走道位置的C生气地质问你为什么不先发给他?因为他是离你最近的?你会如何处理?