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john_mayer-slow dancing in a burning room


发表于 2008-12-8 00:05:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

微温的歌唱情绪,年轻随性的创作文采,就跟The Wallflowers主唱Jakob Dylan、Dave Matthews这些深受美国AdultRock音乐电台宠爱的歌手一样,JohnMayer在麦克风前总是能自在的散发笔下的词曲文采,弥漫著高度的亲合力,瞬间解除听歌者的情绪武装,首支单曲“NoSuchThing”自2001年夏季推出后,一年来依然高居美国成人摇滚电台的热门播放榜,在Billboard成人榜入主Top5及流行单曲榜Top13佳绩;第二支单曲“Your Body Is Wonderland”同样是缔造成人榜Top5及流行单曲榜Top18名次。
  首张专辑《Room ForSquares》,在口碑的推波助澜下,跃升到Billboard流行专辑榜TOP15,并且停留榜上40周以上,更在美国CDNow网站销售名列前10名,滚石杂志不但给予专辑4颗星的超高评价,还将他与凡妮莎、艾薇儿等人列为2002年最值得瞩目的新秀歌手之一,连乐坛前辈艾尔顿?强都对Mayer赞美有加,2002年夏季更获MTV音乐录影带大奖最佳新进艺人提名

John  Mayer

It's not  a silly little moment
It's not the storm before the calm
This is the deep  and dyin breath of this

love we've been workin on
Can't seem to hold
you like I want  to
so I can feel you in my arms
Nobody's gonna come and save you
we  pulled too many false alarms
We're goin down and you can see it too  
We're goin down and you know that we're doomed
my dear we're slow  dancing in a burnin room
I was the one you always
dreamed of you were  the one i tried to draw
how dare you say it's nothin to me
baby, you're  the only light I ever saw
I make the most of all the sadness
you'll be a  bitch because you can
you try to hit me just hurt me
so you leave me  feelin dirty cuz you can't understand
We're goin down and you can see it too  
We're goin down and you know that we're doomed
my dear we're slow  dancing in a burnin room
Go cry about it why don't you
Go cry about it  why don't you
Go cry about it why don't you
my dear, we're slow dancin  in a burnin room
burnin room, burnin room
don't you think we oughta know  by now
don't you think we shoulda learned somehow
don't you think we  oughta know by now
don't you think we shoulda learned somehow
don't you  think we oughta know by now

空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew

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发表于 2008-12-8 13:54:06 | 显示全部楼层
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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