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Coloo的个人空间 https://kongjie.com/?135473 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


已有 24403 人来访过

  • Perhaps happiness does not arrange the position, but succeeds must arrange the position. Happy new year everyone! 回复
  • Keyboard not found, press F1 to continue...wondering where I could find that F1... 回复
  • Lost bucks on Melbourne Cup, that was sad...but won much more on other races, that was hard to say...life might always on certain tracks which were happening on unexpected ways... 回复
  • Lost dollars on Melbourne Cup, that was sad...but won much more on other races, that was hard to say...life might always on certain track whichs on unexpected way... 回复
  • Lost dollars on Melbourne Cup, that was sad... 回复
  • I would really like to remote-control cars by iPhone. How could I get that clip though? 回复
  • Here became my facebook status instead of facebook one, uhh! The Appraisal has to be done today! disybusy... 回复
  • Here seemed became my facebook instead of facebook uhh! The Appraisal has to be done today! disybusy... 回复
  • Wondered how to twitter my facebook...haha 回复
  •  回复
  •  看了她的照片,第一印象就想问她是不是从越南逃难过来的,后来一想这样问也未免太损了。还是不问了,免得招人烦! 回复
  • 春晓,你还是别称我为姐妹了,呀果大男人被个小丫头叫妹妹。头都大埋。头像换了之后我自己都觉得怪怪的。还是换回来好嘀! 回复
  • 看到我就是我的发了新帖,很感兴趣,想要一览全文.结果申请好友被拒. 我可一直是个看帖回帖的人啊! 唉,还讨厌我输英文,不是方便吗? 以后看来要自己发发帖啦! 回复
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Beware of Identity theft this Easter 2010-04-01
Happy Easter People
Look at those...it explains WHY WOMEN STAY SINGLE 2010-01-27
Get some nice guys to stimulant lovely CCs before Xmas 2009-12-16
Which one could be ur favorite Mr. Right...   Tell me if you didn't get "motivated" with such sexy & handsome guys. ...
Have ur tired like this? 2009-11-10
Bet CCs always getting tired like these below: ...
Thought of week for Halloweens tomorrow. I will be that Dr. Green...lol 2009-10-30
Power of Imaginations 2009-10-26
Check it out! So great about those "Ordinary" arts.     ...



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神秘地黑玫瑰 2012-9-6 20:53
kiddy 2011-2-17 13:09
hello  guy   know you by chance~~~~HAPPY LANTERN FESTIVAL
饭.特.稀 2010-12-26 15:25
Judithita 2010-8-3 16:56
Coloo: Haven't check out my spot 4 a while. What u up 2?
Hmm,just waiting for the final results.
Judithita 2010-7-7 08:48
Hi,how are you lately?
Jennysecret 2010-4-7 17:00
New look~
吴文生 2010-3-2 00:08
staryep 2010-1-5 12:23
Coloo : 你说的阿凡达是不是 Avatar 呀? Yeah, it pretty awesome. I tought it could be the best movie of year 2009. I watched a couple weeks ago with 3D effect 哈哈,虽然看懂你的英文,但是我说中文回复你。哈哈。对 就是 Avatar。 我看2d,因为朋友有一个戴眼镜,再带一个3d眼镜说看电影会头晕。所以看2d了。      其实就是抗拒拆迁的 唯美的故事。但是的确做的很好看,我也很看好这个片子 。中国已经有了物权法,相信在以后的日子,拆迁的法律会越来越完善 ...
Coloo 2009-12-17 15:54
Jia ? Liang. Need more hints!
Jliang 2009-12-17 15:03
Coloo: What's ur first name? Jxxx liang
U can guess my 1 name is what.
Hktt 2009-12-17 08:16
Coloo: am I English? it doesn't make sense...what do u mean?
nothing, ti's my curiosity
Hktt 2009-12-16 19:06
Are you English?
絲襪奶茶 2009-10-23 00:22
v873dzf 2009-10-5 20:15
晶晶sunny 2009-9-11 15:59
Coloo: 还是你自己斗地主吧,和美女斗,不忍呀!
haliluya 2009-8-27 22:02
Coloo: 请问,医院里总有人给我发卡车,还给我放炸弹。我怎么才能知道是谁干的呢?我连狗都没给其他人放过,从来都是给他们极光弹的。招谁惹谁了呢!有什么高招吗?谢谢

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