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寂寞蓝天的个人空间 https://kongjie.com/?199161 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


已有 1274 人来访过

  • 刚刚回到深圳,在经历了好几天疲惫的差旅之后。狠狠睡了一大觉之后,现在好多了。 回复
  • 性别
  • 年龄2008 年 12 月 29 日




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仰望 2009-9-25 22:44
寂寞蓝天: 你真把照片撤了,不是挺好的吗。

dearpengpeng 2009-9-24 12:15
寂寞蓝天 : I see. What your thinking about the disemployment has more reasonable, you are not just a cc i think. Acturally, i just want to know about the genera Sweety, believe me or not. I work for two major jobs and other two side jobs as well ,average over 160 hours per months . which means INDEED, I do have lots lots of America friends. if you would excuse me, I need to fly for the next four days. plz check some more info about America before we chat again. GOOD LUCK WITH UR RE ... ...
dearpengpeng 2009-9-23 12:41
寂寞蓝天 : Oh, that's not bad yet if you shouldn't change your US$ into others. OK, let's change topic, if you like. How about real rate of unemployment, really Talking about the disemployment. each person have different own condition, it doesn't just base what is ur yearly salary. In general, it is depends on what type of job that u do, or how many years that u serve for the company, SSN background history and what is the "now" that the government strategy, like now the obama team pump ... ...
dearpengpeng 2009-9-22 10:49
寂寞蓝天: Oh, thanks! anyway, you've gotten a right way this time to make investment for yourself. However, pay more attention on the rate of exchange for curr
@_@ yeah, u a right~ I want EURO more badly than US dollars. however, I have to work for the America Company, which means I DO NOT HAVE CHOICE.
dearpengpeng 2009-9-21 07:39
寂寞蓝天: Congratulations! How much have you got the condo in US? Is it expensive?
actually it is not that bad. I only pay about $1050 for the mortgage and condo fee. it is a very tiny studio though.

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