- 注册时间
- 2014-10-20
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1
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- 50
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进去,先鞠躬,女考官说please have a seat~
男考官: miss Li, you did a job as a teacher right?(楼主之前做过英语老师 2年)
: yes, i ve being an english teacher for 2 years.
: so, why do you quite that job.
: actually, for air macao. i don not want to lose this chance.
: how do you leave the job?
: we will sign an agreement for two years for every newly teacher, when my term full, i did not resing it.
: you are now studing in the xxxxxxxxx university for master`s degree, why do you want to do it?
:my father wants me to get marriaged and be a virtued wife and good mother as soon as i graduate for the college. but i want to live my own life to decide on my own, i want to learn more.
女考官:why do you want to join the air macao?
: first, it is my long charished dream to be a flight assistant. the second reason is because my father , i want to improve that i can live my life well. i can di it better.
: you mean your father dis agree you to join the air macao.
:no, he just want to arrange my whole life, i am not against him , i change the way to communicate with him, he agree this time, but if i failed this time, i think it is hard to convince him again , so i have to pay the attention 100 persent.
: what attract you to join the air macao? if you failed this time , will you go to other air company?
: first, the i was attracted by the slogan of the air macao: the passion of flying air macao. i think the passion is very import, i know some people after long time working, they want to quite or then gorget the passion for the first time. i know that there will be so much hardships to over come, but i will never give up, this is other challange for me. thus , i will never go to other company, because only with passion, i can insist until foever.
接下来,考官问了我在学校的专业,还有问如果进入澳航多久可以开始培训,我说论文工作已经全部完成,随时可以开始培训,除了在6月或7月的某一天回来参加答辩就可以了。然后男考官问 do you any thing to declare to air macao? 你还有什么想询问的吗? 我说,我想知道在培训前还要准备些什么,我知道培训很难,想提前储备一些知识以防万一。 考官说:多学学民航方面的内容,not onlt coffee and tea.不要总是觉得空姐知识端茶倒水,去看看有关民航的规定什么的,我说thanks, i will do it right now. 考官笑了,说可以走了,我就撤了,临走前用中文说:你们辛苦了。他们面带微笑。
通过这次面试我觉得“细节决定成败”, 坚持就是动力,各位怀揣天空梦想的女孩们,认真准备,努力学习就一定会成功。这八个字说起来容易,做起来很辛苦,加油吧!!!