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[内航其它] 自我介绍、


发表于 2015-5-28 20:32:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Why did you choose the air flight attendants career
Your family to you this choice whether to support the view
You think you for what are the advantages than others
If this is not in the squad for you have any plan for the future
I like travelling very much and I enjoy working with people
The main responsibility of the stewardess is to make the passengers relaxed and happy during the flight.   
主要的职责就是让乘客在飞行中能放松、快乐。 本文
Hello, my name is XXX, 16, from XX school. From childhood, I have a dream, that is like a bird can fly in the sky, and now I finally have the opportunity to realize the dream of, if I can get this job, I'll try my best to do everything, because I like this job, I often attend school activities organized by the school,  also in the school student, I also exercise myself, so I am confident I can do this job, I love life, love dancing, love this job , so today I stand here. I'll go to face with a smile. I hope I can very well today. 你好,我叫XXX,今年16岁,来自XX学校,从孩提时起我就有一个梦想,那就是能像鸟儿一样在蓝天中飞翔,现在我中终于有机会实现梦想了,如果我能得到这份工作,我会尽力做好所有的事情,因为我喜欢这份工作,我在学校里经常参加一些学校组织的活动,而且也是学校学生会的,在学生会我也锻炼了自己,所以我有信心能胜任这份工作,我热爱生活,热爱舞蹈,更热爱这份工作,所以今天我站在了这里。我会以微笑去面对。我希望我今天能表现的非常出色 Although I will not promise, but I will try to do the best it(虽然我不会承诺,但是我会尽力把它做到最好)Although my English is not good, but I will strive to change through future(虽然我的英语不好,但是我会通过今后的努力去改变)I did not understand what you say, please say it again you can do(我没听懂你说的什么,请可以再说一遍吗)Perhaps I really do not understand that I do, and I am sorry(可能是我真的不明白,我尽力了,不好意思
A smile in your eyes, and service in your side,微笑在您眼前,服务在您身边

空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew

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