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[外航其它] 【面試問題百百種】面對難相處的同事,我該如何處理 ?


发表于 2015-12-29 21:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

「這是外商公司測驗”team work”很典型的問題,回答技巧在於 _____ ?」
「同事真的難相處!? 把握面試技巧三大點,讓難問題變加分題」
" What kind of people do you feel the most difficult to get along with? If he happens to be your colleague, how would you handle this situation? "
Fiona:    I’ll feel it a challenge to work with an irresponsible person. I now work as a waitress at a Dim-sum restaurant…I work on the weekend shift…which is the busiest…and also we get the best tips on weekends. Everybody has overloaded work…getting tables ready, checking and on-loading Dim-sum steamers from the kitchen, refilling tea pots every minute, bla...bla...bla…About two months ago, there were some reservation problems at the reception. The manager asked me to look after extra three tables for Brian…because he was handling the reservation…and he would take over his tables from me after the problem is solved. Guess what, he NEVER came back! I worked all the way through…I talked to him afterwards…but he said, “Oh, sorry. What can I do? I simply ‘forgot about it’!” I wish I could be as “naïve” as Brian – FORGOT his responsibility…
Gary:   We’re all human beings, not perfect…some people are easy to get along with, others aren’t! I like working as a team, but I can’t stand with someone who is over-bossy…I don’t mean I can’t obey my superior’s instructions …that’s not the case. I mean “nagging” personality makes me uncomfortable. We’re all adults… mature enough to work as a team…If my colleague likes to nag (at) me all the time instead of doing his own job, I would politely say to him, “Oh, thanks a lot for your advice. I am doing all right myself. If I need your help, I won’t hesitate about that at all.” After all, we work together. I appreciate his consideration for me.

這是外商公司測驗”team work”很典型的問題,回答技巧在於...
(1) 表達”人非勝賢,皆有缺點”
(2) ”點到為止”的描述而非抱怨連連
(3) 針對同事的缺點找出解決問題的方法,哈佛個案分析就有一則 case study - 遇上地獄來的老闆!該忍下去還是快求去? 可見外商公司很喜歡問這類型的問題。
除了繫牢面試技巧,這些禁忌你根本不該犯,加 LINE 打 【禁忌】  一舉兩得突破面試大哉問!!!    (此為限時訊息,請讀者敬請把握唷~)
作 者 /  Rochelle C.P. Liu 劉金坪 (前Emirates Airlines阿聯酋航空空服員)
編 輯 /  Claire Hsieh

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