Fast Intro Singapore airline was founded in year 1947.
Enjoying a world-class reputation, SQ was undoubtly considered as the best airline in Asia. What differentiates SQ from the others? Singapore Airline is a highly commercialized company with the longest flight in the world:Singpore-New York (18 hours) And it is well-known for the software that brings you comfort. Official Introduction Singapore Airlines has earned a reputation for service excellence, and we welcome individuals who are customer-orientated, displays initiative, and a team player to join us as a cabin crew. 新航因为卓越的服务而享誉全球,我们欢迎以客人为中心、主动、合作的个人来加入我们空乘队伍。 Our crew are a talented group of individuals who hail from different walks of life. Find out what inspired them to take on this job, how they balance a flying career with their interests outside of work, and how they have developed themselves both professionally and personally. 我们富有才能的空乘队伍来自各个行业。看看是什么让他们选择这份工作,除了工作以外他们是如何平衡飞行和业余生活,以及他们个人和工作上是如何成长的。 Training Successful applicants will undergo a four-month training programme, one of the longest and most comprehensive in the airline industry. 申请成功以后,你将接受为期长达4个月的训练,这在航空业中也很全面了。 Upon successful completion of training, flying duties will commence. 培训顺利完成后,就会执行飞行任务。 Our training programme covers topics such as: Product Knowledge including Food & Beverage Service Procedures 产品知识(食物,饮料) Passenger Handling 服务流程 Deportment & Grooming 礼仪&仪表 Language & Communication Skills 语言和沟通技巧
Safety Equipment Procedures 安全设施步骤 First Aid 急救
Remuneration & Service Benefits During training, you will receive a basic salary. Upon graduation and commencement of duties, you will be given various allowances, bringing your monthly package to approximately SGD$4,500 -SGD$5,000, depending on flight patterns and flying hours. You will be based in Singapore and offered a 5-year employment contract initially. Additional 5-year contracts may be offered based on job performance. Apart from competitive remuneration, you will be granted free travel to any SIA destination once a year and enjoy discounted travel at other times. There is an attractive annual leave scheme, medical and dental treatment scheme, as well as comprehensive training programmes. Destinations & Features
Asia & Pacific 41 Americas 5 Europe 12 Middle East 1 Africa 2 IN ALL: 61 新航的全球目的地共计61个(据官网显示)
Must-know (6 cities in China) Shanghai 上海 Beijing 北京 Sishui 泗水 Taipei 台北 Guangzhou 广州 Hong Kong 香港
与阿联酋航空的142个航线(中国7个)相比数目虽然不多,却有自己的优势。 从英国到澳洲的这条黄金袋鼠航线是新航的核心。 这奠定了新航在亚太地区的龙头影响力。 因此新航给到的资源在同行中也是非常competitive的。 顺便八卦一下, “世界上拥有爱马仕最多的女人” 前新加坡空乘:蔡欣颖小姐。 贝嫂的爱马仕都不如她多
20岁那年,蔡小姐在执飞的新航商务舱上,遇见了印尼富商Nurdian Cuaca.婚后Jamie Chua开了一家专门的名鞋专卖店,gif里的她现年42岁。
所以,就问自己要不要努力吧! (引用说明:以上内容来源于微信公众订阅号petitelapin原创文章)
rumor has it说新航今年会加大来华招聘力度,欢迎各位备考新航的小姐妹们在留言区勾勾搭搭呀~