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[深航] 深圳航空最新客舱广播词(三)


发表于 2018-2-8 17:25:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A 国内航班国内经停
到达     的旅客,下机时请带好您的全部手提物品,并请确认在您前方座椅口袋内没有遗留私人物品。飞机停稳后,请小心开启行李架,以免行李滑落。您托运的行李,下机后请在到达厅行李提取处领取。
   继续前往     的旅客,您也需要下机,请将您的手提物品整理好后放在行李架上,贵重物品随身携带,您前方座椅背后的口袋里请不要留有任何私人物品。各航司最新招聘信息,英语问答,广播词,大家请关注微信公众平台:航空招聘咨询,下机时请携带好您的登机牌向地面工作人员领取过站登机牌,飞机在这里会做短暂停留,请您注意收听登机广播。
    如果您需要在     (中途站)终止航程,不再继续前往     (目的地),请务必在下机前告知乘务员。
   (继续前往     的旅客,您不需要下机,请在飞机上休息等候,本架飞机在这里只做短暂停留。在机上等候期间请您不要吸烟,机上洗手间可以正常使用。如您有任何其他需要,请随时和我们联系。)

Ladies and Gentlemen:
  We have just landed at     airport. Please keep your seat belt fastened while the Fasten Seat Belt Sign is on.
  For the passengers who arrive in     ,please take all your carry-on items with you when you disembark and make sure no personal belongings are left in the seat pocket in front of you. When the plane comes to a complete stop,please be careful when opening the overhead lockers to prevent articles from falling out. Your checked baggage can be claimed at the arrival hall.
  For the passengers who arrive in     ,you also need to disembark here. Please pack your baggage, put it in the overhead lockers and take valuables with you. When you disembark, please take your boarding pass and get your transit boarding pass from the ground staff and pay attention to the boarding information. If you want to terminate your trip here, please tell the flight attendants when you disembark.
  (For the passengers who arrive in     ,you don't need to disembark here. Please wait a few minuets on board. Smoking is prohibited and the lavatory can be used while waiting . If there is anything we can do for you, please contact us.)

  (We apologize again for the delay.)
  Thank you for flying with Shenzhen Airlines, a member of the Star Alliance. (and Air China /**Airlines code share flight ). We strive to provide considerate service at all times. We look forward to serving you again in the near future.
Thank you!

B 国际航班国内经停
   飞机己经降落在     机场,在滑行期间,安全带信号灯尚未熄灭,请您不要解开安全带。
   到达     的旅客,下机时请带好您的全部手提物品,并请确认在您前方座椅口袋内没有遗留私人物品。飞机停稳后,请小心开启行李架,以免行李滑落。您托运的行李,下机后请在到达厅行李提取处领取。
   继续前往     的旅客,您也需要下机,下机时请带好您的护照、证件和全部手提物品,到候机厅办理海关出境手续,并请确认在您前方座椅口袋内没有遗留私人物品。各航司最新招聘信息,英语问答,广播词,大家请关注微信公众平台:航空招聘咨询,飞机在这里会做短暂停留,请您注意收听登机广播。
   如果您需要在     (中途站)终止航程,不再继续前往     (目的地),请务必在下机前告知乘务员。

Ladies and Gentlemen:
  We have just landed at     airport.Please keep your seat belt fastened while the Fasten Seat Belt Sign is on.
  For the passengers who arrive in     , please take all your carry-on items with you when you disembark and make sure no personal belongings are left in the seat pocket in front of you.When the plane comes to a complete stop,please be careful when opening the overhead lockers to prevent articles from falling out. Your checked baggage can be claimed at the arrival hall.
  For the passengers who arrive in     , please take your passport, certificates and all your carry-on items when you disembark and head to the waiting hall to go through customs and exit formalities. Make sure no personal belongings are left in the seat pocket in front of you and pay attention to the boarding information. If you want to terminate your trip here. please tell the flight attendants when you disembark.
   (We apologize again for the delay.)
  Thank you for flying with Shenzhen Airlines, a member of the Star Alliance, (and Air China /**Airlinescode share flight). We strive to provide considerate service at all times. We look forward to serving you again in the near future.
Thank you!

C 国际航班国际经停
   飞机已经降落在     机场,在滑行期间,安全带信号灯尚未熄灭,请您不要解开安全带。
   到达     的旅客,下机时请带好您的护照、证件和全部手提物品,到候机厅办理海关入境手续,并请确认在您前方座椅口袋内没有遗留私人物品。飞机停稳后,请小心开启行李架,以兔行李滑落。您托运的行李,下机后请在到达厅行李提取处领取。
   继续前往     的旅客,您也需要下机,下机时请带好您的护照、证件和全部手提物品,到候机厅办理海关入境手续,并请确认在您前方座椅口袋内没有遗留私人物品。飞机在这里会做短暂停留,请您注意收听登机广播。如果您需要在     (中途站)终止航程,不再继续前往     (目的地),请务必在下机前告知乘务员。

Ladies and Gentlemen:
  We have just landed at      airport. Please keep your seat belt fastened while the Fasten Seat Belt Sign is on.
  For the passengers who arrive in     ,Please take your passport, certificates and all your carry-on items when you disembark and head to the waiting hall to go through customs and entry formalities. Make sure no personal  belongings are left in the seat pocket in front of you. When the plane comes to a complete stop, please be careful when opening the overhead lockers to prevent articles from faling out. Your checked baggage can be claimed at the arrival hall.
  For the passengers who arrive in     ,please take your passport, certificates and all your carry-on items when you disembark and head to the waiting hall to go through customs and entry formalities. Make sure no personal belongings are left in the seat pocket in front of you and pay attention to the boarding information. If you want to terminate your trip here, please tell the fight attendants when you disembark.
  (We apologize again for the delay.)
  Thank you for flying with Shenzhen Airlines, a member of the Star Alliance,(and Air China/**Airlines code share flight).We strive to provide considerate service
at all times.We look forwad to serving you again in the near future.
Thank you!
prevent / 阻止
prohibited / 禁止
Terminate / 终止


Ladies and Gentlemen:
  Our aircraft hasn't taxied to the assigned parking bay.Please remain seated and do not open the overhead lockers.Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you!

Taxi / 出租车滑行

Ladies and Gentlemen:
  Thank you for your waiting and you may now disembark. Please take all your belongings.
  Thank you for flying with Shenzhen Airlines and we look forward to seeing you again.
Thank you!

A 旅客已办完手续

Ladies and Gentlemen:
  We are waiting for some passengers to get onboard Please wait for a moment.
  Thank you!

B 旅客未办完手续
Ladies and Gentlemen:
  We are waiting for some passengers to complete the boarding procedures. With the assistance of our ground staff,it will not take a long time. Please wait for a moment.
Thank you!

C 等待中转旅客  
Ladies and Gentlemen:
  We are waiting for several passengers to join us. Pleaseremain in your seat.
  Thank you!

空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-14 17:54:19 | 显示全部楼层
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew

使用道具 举报

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