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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-1 20:33:25 | 显示全部楼层
If an air carrier airplane is flying IFR using a single ADF navigation receiver and the ADF equipment fails, the flight must be able to
A.Proceed safely to a suitable airport using VOR aids and complete an instrument approach by use of the remaining airplane system.
B.Continue to the destination airport by means of dead reckoning navigation
C.Proceed to a suitable airport using VOR aids complete an instrument approach and land.
A X  
If an air carrier airplane's airborne radar is inoperative and thunderstorms are forecast along the proposed route of flight, an airplane may be dispatched only
A.When able to climb and descend VFR and maintain VFR/OT en route
B.In VFR conditions
C.In day VFR conditions
C X  
If an airborne checkpoint is used to check the VOR system for IFR operations, the maximum bearing error permissible is
A.Plus or minus 6
B.Plus 6 or minus 4
C.Plus or minus4?
A X  
If both the ram air input and drain hole of the pitot system are blocked by ice, what airspeed indication can be expected?
A.No variation of indicated airspeed in level flight if large power changes are made
B.Decrease of indicated airspeed during a climb
C.Constant indicated airspeed during a descent
A X  
If Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) is not available when setting up for GPS approach , the pilot should
A. Continue to the MAP and hold until the satellites are recaptured .
B. Proceed as to cleared to the IAF and hold until satellite reception is satisfactory ,
C. Select another type of navigation aid.
C X  
In conducting Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO), the pilot should have readily available:
A.The published Available Landing Distance (ALD), landing performance of the aircraft, and slope of all LAHSO combinations at the destination airport.
B.The published runway length and slope for all LAHSO combinations at the airport of intended landing.
C.The landing performance of the aircraft, published Available Landing Distance (ALD) for all LAHSO combinations at the airport of intended landing, plus the forecast winds.
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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发表于 2007-11-1 20:38:51 | 显示全部楼层
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-1 20:41:58 | 显示全部楼层
One purpose of high-lift devices is to
A.- increase the load factor.
B.delay stall.
C.increase airspeed.
B X  
What is a feature of air movement in a high pressure area?
A. Ascending from the surface high to lower pressure at higher altitudes.
B. Descending to the surface and then outward.
C. Moving outward from the center at high altitudes and into the center at the surface.
B X  
The Krueger flap extends from the leading edge of the wing, increasing its
A.angle of attack
B X  
The leading edge of an advancing cold air mass is .
A. warm front.
B. stationary front.
C. cold front.
C X  
The primary purpose of high-lift devices is to increase the
B.-Lift at low speeds.
C.-Drag and reduce airspeed.
B X  
To avoid the wingtip vortices of a departing jet airplane during takeoff, the pilot should
A. Lift off at a point well past the jet airplane's flight path.
B. Climb above and stay upwind of the jet airplane's flight path.
C. Remain below the flight path of the jet airplane.
B X  
Upon which factor does wing loading during a level coordinated turn in smooth air depend?
A.Rate of turn
B.Angle of bank
C.True airspeed
B X  
What action is expected of an aircraft upon landing at a controlled airport?
A. continue taxiing in the landing direction until advised by the tower to switch to ground control frequency.
B. exit the runway at the nearest suitable taxiway and remain on tower frequency until instructed otherwise
C. exit the runway at the nearest suitable taxiway and switch to ground control upon crossing the taxiway holding lines.
B X  
What action is required prior to takeoff if snow is adhering to the wings of an air carrier airplane?
A. sweep off as much snow as possible and the residue must be polished smooth.
B. Assure that the snow is removed from the airplane.
C. Add 15 knots to the normal VR speed as the snow will blow off.
B X  
What action shall the pilot in command take if it becomes necessary to shut down one of the two engines on an air carrier airplane?
A. Land at the airport which the pilot considers to be as safe as the nearest suitable airport in point of time.
B. Land at the nearest suitable airport in point of time at which a safe landing can be made.
C. Land at the nearest airport, including military what has a crash an rescue unit.
B X  
What action should a pilot take when a clearance appears to be contrary to a regulation?
A.Request a clarification from the ATC.
B.Read the clearance back entirely.
C.Do not accept the clearance.
A X  
What action should a pilot take when he is uncertain of the meaning of an ATC clearance?
A.Do not accept the clearance.
B.Request a clarification from the ATC.
C.Read the clearance back entirely.
B X  
What action should be taken by the pilot in command of a transport category airplane if the airborne weather radar becomes inoperative en route on an IFR flight for which weather reports indicate possible thunderstorms?
A.Request radar vector from ATC to the nearest suitable airport and land
B.Proceed in accordance with the approved instructions and procedures specified in the operationsmanual for such an event
C.Return to the departure airport if the thunderstorms have not been encountered. and there is enough fuel remaining
B X  
What action should be taken if one of the two VHF radios fail while IFR in controlled airspace?
A. Notify ATC immediately.
B. Squawk 7600.
C. Monitor the VOR receiver
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-1 20:44:31 | 显示全部楼层
What affects indicated stall speed?
A. Weight, load factor, and power
B. Load factor , angle of attack ,and power
C. Angle of attack, weight, and airspeed
A X  
What effect does the leading edge slot in the wing have on performance?
A. Decrease profile drag.
B. Changes the stalling angle of attack to a higher angle.
C. Decelerates the upper surface boundary layer air.
B X  
What effect would a light crosswind have on the wingtip vortices generated by a large airplane that has just taken off?
A. The upwind vortex will tend to remain on the runway longer than the downwind vortex.
B. A crosswind will rapidly dissipate the strength of both vortices.
C. The downwind vortex will tend to remain on the runway longer than the upwind vortex.
A X  
What flight condition should be expected when an aircraft leaves ground effect?
A.An increase in induced drag requiring a higher angle of attack.
B.A decrease in parasite drag permitting a lower angle of attack.
C.An increase in dynamic stability.
A X  
What is a characteristic of longitudinal instability?
A.Pitch oscillations becoming progressively greater.
B.Bank oscillations becoming progressively greater.
C.Aircraft constantly tries to pitch down.
A X  
What is a purpose of flight spoilers?
A.-Increase the camber of the wing.
B.-Reduce lift without increasing airspeed.
C.-Direct airflow over the top of the wing at high angles of attack.
B X  
What is load factor?
A.Lift multiplied by the total weight.
B.Lift subtracted from the total weight.
C.Lift divided by the total weight.
C X  
What is movement of the center pressure when the wingtips of a swept wing airplane are stalled first?
A.inward and aft
B.inward and forward
C.outward and forward
B X  
What is one disadvantage of a swept wing design?
A.The wing root stalls prior to the wingtip section.
B.The wingtip section stalls prior to the wing root.
C.Severe pitch down moment when the center of pressure shifts forward.
B X  
What is the condition known as when gusts cause a swept wing-type airplane to roll in one direction while yawing in the other?
C.Dutch roll
C X  
What is the effect on total drag of an aircraft if the airspeed decreases in level flight below that speed for maximum L/D?
A.Drag increases because of increased induced drag.
B.Drag increases because of increased parasite drag.
C.Drag decreases because of lower induced drag.
A X  
What is the primary function of the leading edge flaps in landing configuration during the flare before touchdown?
A.prevent flow separation.
B.decrease rate of sink.
C.increase profile drag.
A X  
What is the principal advantage of a sweepback design wing over a straight wing design?
A.The critical Mach number will increase significantly.
B.Sweepback will increase changes in the magnitude of force coefficients due to compressibility.
C.Sweepback will accelerate the onset of compressibility effect.
A X  
What is the purpose of a control tab?
A.Move the flight controls in the event of manual reversion.
B.Reduce control forces by deflecting in the proper direction to move a primary flight control.
C.Prevent a control surface from moving to a full-deflection position due to aerodynamic forces.
A X  
What is the purpose of a servo tab?
A.Move the flight controls in the event of manual reversion.
B. Reduce control forces by deflecting in the proper direction to move a primary flight control.
C. Prevent a control surface from moving to a full-deflection position due to aerodynamic forces.
B X  
What is the purpose of an elevator trim tab?
A.Provide horizontal balance as airspeed is increased to allow hands-off flight.
B.Adjust the speed tail load for different airspeeds in flight allowing neutral control forces.
C.Modify the downward tail load for various airspeeds in flight eliminating flight-control pressures.
C X  
What is the reason for variations in geometric pitch along a propeller or rotor blade?
A.It permits a relatively constant angle of attack along its length when in cruising flight.
B.It prevents the portion of the blade near the hub or root from stalling during cruising flight.
C.It permits a relatively constant angle of incidence along its length when in cruising flight.
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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发表于 2007-11-1 20:45:15 | 显示全部楼层
看的 我眼睛花了
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-1 20:45:18 | 显示全部楼层
what is the relationship between induced and parasite drag when the gross weight is increased?
A.parasite drag increases more than induced drag
B. induced drag increases more than parasite drag
C. both parasite and induced drag are equally increased.
B X  
What is the relationship of the rate of turn with the radius of turn with a constant angle of bank but increasing airspeed?
A.-rate will decrease and radius will increase.
B.Rate will decrease and radius will decrease.
C.Rate and radius will increase.
A X  
What is the result of a shock-induced separation of airflow occurring near the wing root of a swept wing aircraft?
A.-A high-speed stall and sudden pitch up
B.A severe moment or "tuck under"
C.-Severe porpoising
B X  
What taxi action is expected of an aircraft upon landing at a controlled airport?
A. continue taxiing in the landing direction.
B. exit the runway at the any suitable taxiway, or make a 180 degrees turn on the runway if overshot a expect taxiway.
C. exit the runway at the nearest suitable taxiway without delay.
C X  
What true airspeed and angle of attack should be used to generate the same amount of lift as altitude is increased?
A. The same true airspeed and angle of attack
B. A higher true airspeed for any given angle of attack
C. A lower true airspeed and higher angle of attack
B X  
What will be the ratio between airspeed and lift if the angle of attack and other factors remain constant and airspeed is doubled? lift will be
A.The same.
B.Two times greater.
C.Four times greater.
C X  
When are inboard ailerons normally used?
A.Low-speed flight only.
B.High-speed flight only.
C.Low-speed and high-speed flight.
C X  
Which condition would INITIALLY cause the indicated airspeed and pitch to increase and sink rate to decrease?
A. Sudden increase in a headwind component.
B. Sudden decrease in a headwind component.
C. Tailwind which suddenly increase in velocity.
A X  
Which direction from the primary control surface does a servo tab move?
A.Some direction.
B.Opposite direction.
C.Remains fixed for all positions.
B X  
Which direction from the primary control surface dose an anti-servo tab move?
A.Same direction.
B.Opposite direction.
C.Remains fixed for all positions
A X  
Which direction from the primary control surface dose an elevator adjustable trim tab move when the control surface is moved?
A.Same direction.
B.Opposite direction.
C.Remains fixed for all positions.
C X  
Which flight conditions of a large jet airplane create the most severe flight hazard by generating wingtip vortices of the greatest strength?
A. Heavy, slow, gear and flaps up.
B. Heavy, slow, gear and flaps down.
C. Heavy, fast, gear and flaps down.
A X  
Which is a purpose of ground spoilers?
A. Reduce the wings lift upon landing
B. Aid in rolling an airplane into turn.
C. Increase the rate of descent with out gaining airspeed.
A X  
Which is a purpose of leading-edge slats on high-performance wings?
A.-Decrease lift at relative slow speeds.
B.-Improve aileron control during low angles of attack.
C.-Direct air from the high pressure area under the leading edge along the top of the wing.
C X  
Which is a purpose of the leading-edge flaps?
A.Increase the camber of the wing.
B.Reduce lift without increasing airspeed.
C.Direct airflow over the top of the wing at high angles of attack.
A X  
Which is a purpose of wing-mounted vortex generators?
A. Reduce the drag caused by supersonic flow over portions of the wing
B. Increase the onset of drag divergence and aid in aileron effectiveness at high speed
C. Break the airflow over the wing so the stall will progress from the root out to the tip of the wing
A X  
Which is true regarding the forces acting on an aircraft in a steady-state descent? The sum of all
A.-upward forces is less than the sum of all downward forces.
B.-rearward forces is greater than the sum of all forces.
C.-forward forces is equal to the sum of all rearward forces.
C X  
Which of the following are considered primary flight controls?
C.Outboard ailerons.
C X  
Which of the following is not the way of increasing MCRIT in jet transport designs
A. give the wing a lower camber
B. increase wing sweep.
C.add slats
C X  
Which statement is true concerning the wake turbulence produced by a large transport aircraft?
A. Vortices can be avoided by flying 300 feet below and behind the flight path of the generating aircraft.
B. The vortex characteristics of any given aircraft may be altered by extending the flaps or changing the speed.
C. Wake turbulence behind a propeller-driven aircraft is negligible because jet engine thrust is a necessary factor in the formation of vortices.
B X  
while maintaining a constant angle of bank and altitude in a coordinated turn, an increase in airspeed will
A.decrease the rate of turn resulting in a decreased load factor.
B.decrease the rate of turn resulting in no change in load factor
C.increase the rate of turn resulting in no change in load factor
B X  
While making prolonged constant rate turns under IFR conditions, an abrupt head movement
A.(续正文, can create the illusion of rotation on an entirely different axis. This is known as )autokinesis.
B.Coriolis illusion.
C.the leans.
B X  
Wingtip vortices created by large aircraft tend to
A. Sink below the aircraft generating the turbulence.
B. Rise from the surface to traffic pattern altitude.
C. Accumulate and remain for a period of time at the point where the takeoff roll began.
A X  
Why do some airplanes equipped with inboard/outboard ailerons use the outboards for slow flight only?
A.-Increased surface area provides greater controllability with flap extension.
B.-Aerodynamic loads on the outboard ailerons tend to twist the wingtips at high speeds.
C.-Locking out the outboard ailerons in high-speed flight provides variable flight control feel.
B X  
Why is it necessary to increase back elevator pressure to maintain altitude during a turn? To compensate for the
A.loss of the vertical component of lift
B.loss of the horizontal component of lift and the increase in centrifugal force
C.rudder deflection and slight opposite aileron throughout the turn
A X  
Why must the angle of attack be increased during a turn to maintain altitude?
A.Compensate for loss of vertical component of lift
B.Increase the horizontal component of lift equal to the vertical component
C.Compensate for increase in drag
A X  
Within what mach range dose transonic fight regimes usually occur?
A.-.50 to .75 mach
B.-.75 to .1.20 mach
C.-1.20 to 2.50 mach
B X  
Airflow separation over the wing can be delayed by using vortex generators.
A.Directing high pressure air over the top of the wing or flap through slots and making the wing surface smooth.
B.Directing a suction over the top of the wing or flap through slots and making the wing surface smooth.
C. Making the wing surface rough and/or directing high pressure air over the top of the wing or flap through slots.
C X  
At what Mach range does de subsonic flight range normally occur?
A.Below.75 Mach.
B.From.75 to 1.20 Mach.
C.From.1.20 to 2.5. Mach.
A X  
At which speed will increasing the pitch attitude cause an airplane to climb?
A.Low speed.
B.High speed.
C.Any speed.
B X  
By changing the angle of attack of a wing, the pilot can control the airplane's
A.lift, gross weight, and drag.
B.lift, airspeed, and drag.
C.lift and airspeed, but not drag.
B X  
Describe dynamic longitudinal stability
A.Motion about the longitudinal.
B.Motion about the lateral axis.
C.Motion about the vertical axis.
B X  
For a given angle of bank, the load factor imposed on both the aircraft and pilot in a coordinated constant-altitude turn
A.is directly related to the airplane's gross weight.
B.varies with the rate of turn.
C.is constant
C X  
For which purpose may flight spoilers be used?
A.Reduce the wings' lift upon landing.
B.Increase the rate of descent without increasing aerodynamic drag.
C.Aid in longitudinal balance when rolling an airplane into a turn.
A X  
How can an airplane produce the same lift in ground effect as when out of ground effect?
A.The same angle of attack.
B.A lower angle of attack.
C.A higher angle of attack.
B X  
How can the pilot increase the rate of turn and decrease the radius at the same time?
A.- Steepen the bank and increase airspeed.
B. Steepen the bank and decrease airspeed.
C.Shallow the bank and increase airspeed.
B X  
How does the wake turbulence vortex circulate around each wingtip?
A. Inward, upward, and around the wingtip.
B. Counterclockwise when viewed from behind the aircraft.
C. Outward, upward, and around the wingtip.
C X  
Identify the type stability if the aircraft attitude remains in new position after the controls have been neutralized.
A.Negative longitudinal static stability
B. Neutral longitudinal dynamic stability
C.-Neutral longitudinal static stability
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-1 20:46:57 | 显示全部楼层
Identify the type stability if the aircraft attitude tends to move farther from its original position after the controls have been neutralized
A.-Negative static stability
B.-Positive static stability
C.-Negative dynamic stability
A X  
Identify the type stability if the aircraft attitude tends to return to its original after the controls have been neutralized.
A.Positive dynamic stability.
B.Positive static stability.
C.Neutral dynamic stability.
B X  
If an aircraft level turns at an angle of bank of 30 degree , the load factor is
C X  
If an aircraft with a gross weight of 2000 pounds were subjected to a total load of 6000 pounds in flight the load factor would be
B X  
If no corrective action is taken by the pilot as angle of bank is increased, how is the vertical component of lift and sink rate affected?
A.Lift increases and the sink rate increases
B.Lift decreases and the sink rate decreases
C.Lift decreases and the sink rate increases
C X  
If severe turbulence is encountered, which procedure is recommended?
A.Maintain a constant altitude.
B.Maintain a constant attitude.
C.Maintain constant airspeed and altitude.
B X  
If the airplane attitude remains in a new position after the elevator control is pressed forward and released, the airplane displays
A.-neutral longitudinal static stability.
B.-positive longitudinal static stability.
C.-neutral longitudinal dynamic stability.
A X  
If you take off behind a heavy jet that has just landed, you should plan to lift off
A. Prior to the point where the jet touched down.
B. Beyond the point where the jet touched down.
C. At the point where the jet touched down and on the upwind edge of the runway.
B X  

1..Maximum range performance of a turbojet aircraft is obtained by which procedure as aircraft weight reduces?
A.Increasing speed or altitude.
B.Increasing altitude or decreasing speed.
C.Increasing speed or decreasing altitude.
B X  
2..Which of the following phraseology is suitable for a pilot reporting a braking action on well condition to ATC?
A. braking action is "fair"
B. braking action is "good"
C. braking action is "100%"
B X  
3..Which of the following phraseology is suitable for a pilot reporting a braking action to ATC, when there is almost no the braking action?
A. braking action is "fair"
B. braking action is "zero"
C. braking action is "nil"
C X  
4..Which of the following phraseology is suitable for a pilot reporting a braking action to ATC?
A. braking action is "fair"
B. braking action is "zero"
C. braking action is "100%"
A X  
5..The critical altitude of a supercharged reciprocating engine is
A.The highest altitude where the mixture can be leaned to best power ratio.
B.The highest altitude at which a desired manifold pressure can be obtained.
C.The altitude at which maximum allowable BMEP can be obtained.
B X  
6..The maximum speed during takeoff that the pilot may abort the takeoff and stop the airplane within the accelerate-stop distance is
C X  
7..The minimum speed during takeoff, following a failure of the critical engine at VEF, at which the pilot may continue the takeoff and achieve the required height above the takeoff surface within the takeoff distance, is indicated by symbol
A.V2min .
B X  
8..The most important restriction to the operation of turbojet or turboprop engines is
A.Limiting compressor speed.
B.Limiting exhaust gas temperature.
C.Limiting torque.
B X  
9..The symbol for the speed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail during takeoff is
C X  
10..The symptoms of hyperventilation(换气过度) are
A.quite different to those of hypoxia
B.quite similar to those of hypoxia
C.profuse sweating
B X  
11.。Under normal operating conditions, which combination of MAP and RPM most likely lead to detonation in high performance reciprocating engines?
A.High RPM and low MAP.
B.Low RPM and high MAP.
C.High RPM and high MAP.
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-1 20:48:30 | 显示全部楼层
12..Under what condition is VMC the highest?
A.Gross weight is at the maximum allowable value.
B.CG is at the most rearward allowable position.
C.CG is at the most forward allowable position.
B X  
13..Under which condition during the landing roll are the main wheel brakes at maximum effectiveness?
A.When wing lift has been reduced.
B.At high ground speeds.
C.When the wheels are locked and skidding.
A X  
14..What characterizes a transient compressor stall?
A.Loud, steady roar accompanied by heavy shuddering.
B.Sudden loss of thrust accompanied by a loud whine.
C.Intermittent "bang," as backfires and flow reversals take place.
C X  
15..What effect will an increase in altitude have upon the available equivalent shaft horsepower (ESHP) of a turboprop engine?
A.Lower air density and engine mass flow will cause a decrease in power.
B.Higher propeller efficiency will cause an increase in usable power (ESHP) and thrust.
C.Power will remain the same but propeller efficiency will decrease.
A X  
16..What effect would a change in air density have on gas-turbine-engine performance?
A.As air density decreases, thrust increases.
B.As air density increases, thrust increases.
C.As air density increases, thrust decreases.
B X  
17..What effect would a change in altitude have on the thrust output of gas-turbine-engine?
A.As altitude increases, thrust decreases.
B.As altitude increases, thrust increases.
C.As altitude decreases, thrust decreases.
A X  
18..What effect would a change in altitude have on the thrust output of gas-turbine-engine?
A.As altitude increases, thrust decreases.
B.As altitude increases, thrust increases.
C.As altitude decreases, thrust decreases.
A X  
19..What effect would a change in ambient temperature have on gas-turbine-engine performance?
A.As temperature increases, thrust decreases.
B.As temperature increases, thrust increases.
C.As temperature decreases, thrust decreases.
A X  
20..What effect would a change in ambient temperature or air density have on gas-turbine-engine performance?
A.As air density decreases, thrust increases.
B.As temperature increases, thrust increases.
C.As temperature increases, thrust decreases.
C X  
21..What effect does an increase in airspeed have on a coordinated turn while maintaining a constant angle of bank an altitude?
A.The rate of turn will decrease resulting in a decreased load factor.
B.The rate of turn will increase resulting in an increased load factor.
C.-The rate of turn will decrease resulting in no changes in load factor.
C X  
22..What effect does an uphill runway slope have upon takeoff performance?
A.Increases takeoff distance.
B.Decreases takeoff speed.
C.Decreases takeoff distance.
A X  
23..What effect does high relative humidity have upon the maximum power output of modern aircraft engines?
A.Neither turbojet nor reciprocating engines are affected.
B.Reciprocating engines will experience a significant loss of BHP.
C.Turbojet engines will experience a significant loss of thrust.
B X  
24..What effect does landing at high elevation airports have on ground speed with comparable conditions relative to temperature, wind, and airplane weight?
A.Higher than at low elevation.
B.Lower than at low elevation.
C.The same as at low elevation.
A X  
25..What effect does landing at high temperature have on ground speed with comparable conditions relative to airport elevation, wind, and airport elevation?
A.Higher than at low temperature.
B.Lower than at low temperature.
C.The same as at low temperature.
A X  
26..What effect does landing with increased weight have on ground speed with comparable conditions relative to temperature, wind, and airport elevation?
A.Higher than at low weight.
B.Lower than at low weight.
C.The same as at low weight.
A X  
27..What does the term of Equivalent shaft horsepower (ESHP) of a turboprop engine describe?
A.shaft horsepower and jet thrust.
B.jet thrust only.
C.propeller thrust only.
A X  
28..What does the throttle opening of a turbo-charged-reciprocating engine control?
A.Supercharger gear ratio.
B.Exhaust gas discharge.
C.The desired manifold pressure.
C X  
29..What effect, if any, does high ambient temperature have upon the thrust output of a turbine engine?
A.Thrust will be reduced due to the decrease in air density.
B.Thrust will remain the same, but turbine temperature will be higher.
C.Thrust will be higher because more heat energy is extracted from the hotter air.
A X  
30..What effective runway length is required for a turbojet-powered airplane at the destination airport if the runways are forecast to be wet or slippery at the ETA?
A.70 percent of the actual runway available, from a height of 50 feet over the threshold.
B.115 percent of the runway length required for a dry runway.
C.115 percent of the runway length required for a wet runway.
B X  
31..What indicates that a compressor stall has developed and become steady?
A.Strong vibrations and loud roar.
B.Occasional loud "bang" and flow reversal.
C.Complete loss of power with severe reduction in airspeed.
A X  
32..What is an area identified by the term "clearway"?
A.centrally located about the extended centerline and under airport authorities, which does not contain obstructions and can be considered when calculating takeoff performance.
B.An area, at least the same width as the runway, capable of supporting an airplane during a normal takeoff.
C.An area beyond the takeoff runway, which is able to support the airplane, for use in decelerating the airplane during an aborted takeoff.
A X  
33..What is an area identified by the term "stopway"?
A.An area, at least the same width as the runway, capable of supporting an airplane during a normal takeoff.
B.An area designated for use in decelerating an aborted takeoff.
C.An area, not as wide as the runway, capable of supporting an airplane during a normal takeoff.
B X  
34..What is the best method of speed reduction if hydroplaning is experienced on landing?
A.Apply full main wheel braking only.
B.Apply nosewheel and main wheel braking alternately and abruptly.
C.Apply aerodynamic braking to the fullest advantage.
C X  
35..What is the correct symbol for minimum unstick speed?
A X  
36..What is the correct symbol for takeoff decision speed?
B X  
37..What is the correct symbol for the Minimum Control Speed, Ground?
B X  
38..What is the definition of the critical altitude of a supercharged-reciprocating engine?
A.Highest altitude where the mixture can be leaned to best power ratio.
B.The highest altitude at which a desired manifold pressure can be obtained.
C.The altitude at which maximum allowable BMEP can be obtained.
B X  
39..what is the free stream mach number which produce first of local sonic flow?
A.supersonic mach number
B.transonic mach number
C.critical mach number
C X  
40..What is the highest speed possible without supersonic flow over the wing?
A.Initial buffet speed.
B.Critical Mach number.
C.Transonic index.
B X  
41..What is the name of a plane beyond the end of a runway which does not contain obstructions and can be considered when calculating takeoff performance of turbine-powered aircraft?
B.Stop way.
C.Obstruction clearance plane.
A X  
42..What is the resulting performance loss when one engine on a twin-engine airplane fails?
A.Reduction of cruise airspeed by 50 percent.
B.Reduction of climb by 50 percent or more.
C.Reduction of all performance by 50 percent.
B X  
43..What performance is characteristic of flight at maximum L/D in a propeller-driven airplane?
A.Maximum range and distance glide.
B.Best angle of climb.
C.Maximum endurance.
A X  
44..What performance should a pilot of a light, twin-engine airplane be able to maintain at Vmc ?
B.Heading and altitude.
C.Heading, altitude, and ability to climb 50 ft/min.
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-1 20:50:54 | 显示全部楼层
45..What should a pilot do to maintain "best range" airplane performance when a headwind is encountered?
A.Increase speed.
B.Maintain speed.
C.Decrease speed.
A X  
46..Where is the critical altitude of a supercharged-reciprocating engine?
A.The highest altitude at which a desired manifold pressure can be obtained.
B.Highest altitude where the mixture can be leaned to best power ratio.
C.The altitude at which maximum allowable BMEP can be obtained.
A X  
47..Which parameter is used to measure the power output of a reciprocating engine?
B.Exhaust gas temperature.
C.Manifold pressure.
C X  
48..Which performance factor decreases as airplane gross weight increases, for a given runway?
A.Critical engine failure speed.
B.Rotation speed.
C.Accelerate-stop distance.
A X  
49..Which place in the turbojet engine is subjected to the highest temperature?
A.Compressor discharge.
B.Fuel spray nozzles.
C.Turbine inlet.
C X  
50..Which condition reduces the required runway for takeoff?
A.Higher-than-recommended airspeed before rotation.
B.Lower-than-standard air density.
C.Increased headwind component.
C X  
51..Which condition has the effect of reducing critical engine failure speed?
A.Slush on the runway or inoperative antiskid.
B.Low gross weight.
C.High density altitude.
A X  
52..Where will the highest temperature in a turbojet engine occur?
A.Turbine inlet.
B.Compressor discharge.
C.Fuel spray nozzles.
A X  
53..Which airplane performance characteristics should be recognized during takeoff when encountering a tailwind shear that increases in intensity?
A. loss of, or diminished, airspeed performance
B. decreased takeoff distance
C. increased climb performance immediately after takeoff
A X  
54..Which is a definition of V2 speed?
A.Takeoff decision speed.
B.Takeoff safety speed.
C.Minimum takeoff speed.
B X  
55..Which is the correct symbol for the minimum steady-flight speed or stalling speed in a specific configuration?
B X  
56..Which is the correct symbol for the stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable?
B X  
57..Which maximum range factor increases as weight decreases?
A.Angle of attack.
B X  
58..Which speed symbol indicates the maximum speed for operating the landing gear of an airplane?
C X  
59..Which type of compressor stall has the greatest potential(潜能) for severe engine damage?
A.Intermittent "backfire" stall.
B.Transient "backfire" stall.
C.Steady, continuous flow reversal stall.
C X  
60.。Which term describes the hydroplaning, which occurs when an airplane's tire is effectively held off a smooth runway surface by steam(蒸汽) generated by friction?
A.Reverted rubber hydroplaning.
B.Dynamic hydroplaning.
C.Viscous hydroplaning.
A X  
61..With the increase of temperature, the airplane's rolling distance will ____when takeoff and landing.
A. remain unchanged
B. increase
C. reduce
B X  
62..[Refer to Figure 4-25.] How many feet will remain after landing on a 6,000-foot dry runway with reversers inoperative at 120,000 pounds gross weight?
A.3,500 feet.
B.2,750 feet.
C.2,150 feet.
A X  
63..[Refer to Figure 4-25.] How many feet will remain after landing on a 7,200-foot dry runway with spoilers inoperative at 118,000 pounds gross weight?
A.4,200 feet.
B.4,500 feet.
C.4,750 feet.
B X  
64..[Refer to Figure 4-25.] How much longer is the dry runway landing distance using brakes only compared to using brakes and reversers at 110,000 pounds gross weight?
A.1,000 feet.
B.500 feet.
C.300 feet.
C X  
65..[Refer to Figure 4-25.] How much longer is the dry runway landing distance using brakes only compared to using brakes and reversers at 114,000 pounds gross weight?
A.1,150 feet.
B.500 feet.
C.300 feet.
C X  
66..[Refer to Figure 4-25.] What is the maximum landing weight which will permit stopping 1,500 feet short of the end of a 4,950-foot dry runway with reversers and spoilers inoperative?
A.119,000 pounds.
B.136,000 pounds.
C.139,000 pounds.
C X  
67..[Refer to Figure 4-25.] What is the maximum landing weight which will permit stopping 2,000 feet short of the end of a 5,400-foot dry runway with reversers and spoilers inoperative?
A.117,500 pounds.
B.136,500 pounds.
C.140,500 pounds.
B X  
68..[Refer to Figure 4-25.] What is the transition distance when landing on a dry runway at a gross weight of 125,000 pounds?
A.1,200 feet.
B.850 feet.
C.400 feet.
C X  
69..[Refer to Figure 4-25.] Which of the following configurations will result in the shortest landing distance over a 50-foot obstacle to a dry runway?
A.Brakes and spoilers at 120,000 pounds gross weight.
B.Brakes and reversers at 115,000 pounds gross weight.
C.Brakes, spoilers, and reversers at 125,000 pounds gross weight.
C X  
70..[Refer to Figure 4-25.] Which of the following configurations will result in the shortest landing distance over a 50-foot obstacle to a dry runway?
A.Brakes and spoilers at 125,000 pounds gross weight.
B.Brakes and reversers at 115,000 pounds gross weight.
C.Brakes, spoilers, and reversers at 130,000 pounds gross weight.
C X  
71..[Refer to Figure 4-26.] How many feet will remain after landing on a 6,000-foot wet runway with reversers inoperative at 110,000 pounds gross weight?
A.2,100 feet.
B.2,650 feet.
C.3,000 feet.
C X  
72..[Refer to Figure 4-26.] How many feet will remain after landing on a 7,000-foot wet runway with reversers inoperative at 110,000 pounds gross weight?
A.4,000 feet.
B.4,300 feet.
C.4,500 feet.
A X  
73..[Refer to Figure 4-26.] How much longer is the wet runway landing distance using brakes only compared to using brakes, spoilers and reversers at 130,000 pounds gross weight?
A.1,000 feet.
B.500 feet.
C.300 feet.
A X  
74..[Refer to Figure 4-26.] How much longer is the wet runway landing distance using brakes only compared to using brakes, spoilers and reversers at 140,000 pounds gross weight?
A.650 feet.
B.1,300 feet.
C.1,050 feet.
C X  
75..[Refer to Figure 4-26.] What is the maximum landing weight which will permit stopping 1,000 feet short of the end of a 4,900-foot wet runway with reversers and spoilers inoperative?
A.124,000 pounds.
B.129,500 pounds.
C.134,500 pounds.
A X  
76..[Refer to Figure 4-26.] What is the transition distance when landing on a wet runway at a gross weight of 135,000 pounds?
A.100 feet.
B.300 feet.
C.750 feet.
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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发表于 2007-11-4 03:43:27 | 显示全部楼层
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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