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发表于 2004-12-18 10:59:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






“Ladies and Gentlemen, Your captain speaking. Welcome aboard fly to Beijing. Flight time today is 3 hours and 25 minutes with our Boeing 757-200. Flight Crew will start engine in a short time. Please be ready for take off. Thank you ”


“女士们,先生们,各位乘客,我是你们的机长MIKE,为使今天的空中旅程更加安全,地面勤务人员将对飞机做进一步检查,他们会排除可能出现的机械故障,以确保飞机能够安全起飞。检查过程将持续20分钟左右。我们飞行机组非常感谢您的耐心等待。”-Ladies and Gentlemen, Your captain speaking. Due to minor mechanical problem with the aircraft, our departure will be delayed.

As you safety is our primary concern, our staff is working on this problem and we expect to be on our way soon. Thank you for your patience.


“女士们,先生们,各位乘客,我是你们的机长MIKE,为使今天的空中旅程更加安全,地面勤务人员将对飞机的外表的冰雪进行清除工作,以确保飞机能够安全起飞。检查过程将持续20分钟左右。我们飞行机组非常感谢您的耐心等待。”-Ladies and Gentlemen, Your captain speaking. We need deicing prior to departure. Our staff is working on this. Estimated departure time is _.


“女士们,先生们,各位乘客,这里是驾驶舱机组,按航空管制的安排,我们将会在15分钟内得到起飞的命令,目前在滑行道上有6架飞机在等待起飞,同时我们也需要您的耐心等待。谢谢”-Ladies and Gentlemen, Your captain speaking. Due to heavy traffic here in _ airport, we will have a short wait for 15 minutes. Thank you for your understanding.


“女士们,先生们,各位乘客,我是你们的机长MIKE,非常高兴能和你们一起度过今天这段飞行时间。飞机目前保持在1万1千4百米的飞行高度上飞行,我们预计会在北京时间13点15分达到北京首都国际机场。最新的天气报告表明,北京的天气为多云,气温25摄氏度。在下降前我们会广播通知您。本此航班共有188名乘客以及12名飞行机组,我们预祝您旅途愉快。”-Ladies and Gentlemen, Your captain speaking. It’s glad to fly with you by cruising on 11,400 meters. Estimated arrive to Beijing capital international airport at 1315. According to the latest weather report, Beijing is cloudy and 25 degrees. We’ll advice you before decent. There are 188 passengers onboard and 12 flight crew. All crew members hope you enjoy the flight. Thank you.


“女士们,先生们,各位乘客,这里是驾驶舱机组,飞行将会很快遇到一些颠簸气流,我们已经打开了系好安全带的信号灯。所以请您就座并系好安全带。”-Ladies and Gentlemen, Your captain speaking. We have to meet some turbulence in short time. Now we turn on the seat belt sign. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt. Thank you.


“女士们,先生们,各位乘客,这里是驾驶舱机组,我们将关闭系好安全带的信号灯。但是,根据航空公司的规定,当您就座时,必须系好安全带。”-Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s cockpit speaking. We’ll switch off the seat belt sign. But according to the regulations, passenger should fasten seat belt while seated. Thank you.


“女士们,先生们,各位乘客,这里是驾驶舱机组,经过3小时飞行后,我们将在25分钟后达到北京首都机场,机场天气现在是晴天,气温28摄氏度。飞行在3分钟开始下降,所以请您在客舱乘务员的安排下,做好着陆前的准备。谢谢。”-Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s cockpit speaking. After 3 hours flight, we’ll arrive to Beijing in 25 minutes. Present weather in Beijing is fine, Sky is clear and it’s 28 degrees. We’ll start our decent in 3 minutes. Please prepare for landing. Thank you.


“女士们,先生们,各位乘客,这里是驾驶舱机组,我们收到了最新天气报告,北京首都机场的天气已经变坏,能见度目前只有150米,根据航空公司的规定,我们将备降在天津机场,那里的天气状况非常良好,飞机落地后我们将等待最新的安排。非常感谢您的耐心和积极配合。”-Due to unfavorable weather condition over Beijing airport, we decided to land at Tianjin airport and remain there until weather condition improve. You safety is our primary concern. We sincerely regret any inconvenience in this change. We promise to provide you with further information as soon as it becomes available. We expect to arrive there at 1350 . Thank you.

空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew

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发表于 2004-12-19 20:26:30 | 显示全部楼层
昨天看了台湾拍的 升空高飞 .台湾第一位女机师申若云的英文说的太好了,我没事也练练,嘿嘿~!
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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发表于 2008-8-27 13:18:30 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵 哪里有下看啊?
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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