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看来荷兰的土耳其航空的737的空难是飞机故障诱发 机组责任的飞行事故 


发表于 2009-3-13 06:39:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Altimeter factor in THY accident

[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,670]The Dutch Safety Board has released its initial findings into last week’s accident involving a Turkish Airlines (THY) 737 at Schipol.

According to the report -
“The voice recorder and the black box, both of which are in the hands of the Safety Board, show that an irregularity occurred during the descent, at 1950 feet.
At a height of 1950 feet the left radio altimeter suddenly indicated a change in altitude – from 1950
feet to - 8 feet - and passed this onto the automatic pilot. This change had a particular impact
upon the automatic throttle system which provides more or less engine power.
The radio altimeter normally measures the altitude of the plane above the ground very accurately
and can start registering this from 2500 feet. As already mentioned, this radio altimeter is very
significant for providing the appropriate power for an automatic landing.
A Boeing is fitted with two radio altimeters, a left one and a right one.
The black box has shown that this deviation only occurred in the left radio altimeter.
The voice recorder has shown that the crew were notified that the left radio altimeter was not
working correctly (via the warning signal “landing gear must go down”).
Provisional data indicates that this signal was not regarded to be a problem.
In practice, the plane responded to this sudden change as though it was at an altitude of just a few
meters above the Polderbaan and engine power was reduced.
It seems that the automatic system – with its engines at reduced power – assumed it was in the
final stages of the flight. As a result, the aircraft lost speed”.
The report continued that “As a result of the deceleration, the aircraft"s speed was reduced to minimum flying speed (stalling situation) and warning signals (the steering column buzzes at an altitude of 150 metres) were given.
The black box shows that full power was then applied immediately.
However, this was too late to recover the flight, the aircraft was too low and, consequently, the
Boeing crashed 1 kilometre short of the runway.
The aircraft initially hit the ground with its tail and then the undercarriage followed.
The forward speed was about 175 km per hour upon impact.
An aircraft of this weight should normally have a speed of 260 km per hour for landing.
The aircraft came to a rapid halt (after about 150 m) as a result of the arable land being made up
of boggy clay”.
The report pointed out that it is “established, in Dutch law, that the Public Prosecutor may only have access to this data if there is a question of abduction, terrorism, murder or manslaughter”.
The investigation is continuing and the aircraft will be removed to another location within the next few days. The Board has issued a warning to Boeing requesting extra attention to the part of the 737 manual regarding a malfunction of the radio altimeters.

空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-13 06:39:53 | 显示全部楼层




1、          没有迹象表明遇到鸟击、发动机和机身结冰、严重颠簸、风切变;

2、          整个飞行有足够的燃油;

3、          双发对油门的信号输入反应正常;

4、          飞机对飞行操纵的信号输入反应正常。









空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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